Why Dreams Are Important


I believe that we all have this unique dream that’s ours to bring into this world. I think that’s why we’re here. I think that we came into this life to create something beautiful, that’s unique to our own self expression.  And, sadly what happens, and I speak to a lot of people about their dreams, is that they believe that have to be the person TODAY that they envision they need to be in the future to carry on their dream.  So they abandon their dream.  They say “well, I’m not that person…how can i possibly bring this extraordinary idea into the world?” And they got it backwards.

The reason why dreams are so important is because they actually pull us into becoming who we’re destined to be.  If you look at someone like Martin Luther King, he had a dream, a dream that blacks and whites could live in harmony together, that they’d have equal rights. And because of that dream, he became Martin Luther King.  He didn’t start out as Martin Luther King.  And that’s true for anyone who has achieved greatness in their life.  So we need to realize today that we don’t need to be the person who accomplishes the dream at the end of the day.Having this dream and the desire for this dream is what allows us to overcome life’s challenges.  Life is difficult but the desire to bring this dream into the world is what allows us to overcome those challenges, to grow and develop new skills and abilities.

I talk to so many people about their dreams and it’s like the dream just wants to come out of them.  They share with me this beautiful, extraordinary idea and before they can even finish explaining it, they kill it. There’s not enough time, that’s not what I studied in school, I’m too old, I don’t have the money, I have my kids, I have my responsibilities.  They have their life and somewhere over here they have their dream.  So many people fragment their lives and never get to the dream.

What happens is we have a series of beliefs we developed over time, from our parents, our teachers, our peers and we start to believe that we’re limited at our capacity.  And we forget about this Power within us.

The key to living this dream life is to really look at what we believe.  It all just comes down to what you believe.  What is it that YOU believe? What comes up from you when you think about what you want to be doing in your life and what you’re doing?

Beliefs drive everything we do in our life. Most of the time we’re not even aware of what our beliefs are.  We adopt them at a very early age.  We operate according to what I call a set of 5 primary drivers, that dictate how we show up in life.

Watch the full video to understand how the 5 primary drivers work.