Creating with Law of Attraction


In Powerful Living, we explain that what we ordinarily called coincidence in our lives is actually co-creation. It’s this idea that we what we believe and what we think is actually communicated through this extraordinary system that we live in to other people and other things. We create the life that we think about.  And the foundation for this is what’s called ‘Law of Attraction’.  Many of you have probably seen the movie ‘The Secret’ or have heard about Law of Attraction. These ideas have been around for 100 years.  Back in the early 1900s, Napoleon Hill wrote a book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ which was the foundation for some of these ideas, that what we think creates our reality.

I’ve talked to a lot of people who understand the concept but they don’t really believe it.  They give me instances where they really believed in something or they really really wanted something and it never happened. I think the mistake most people make is that they’re not really aware of what they’re thinking.

In this video, I explain a few examples of people I’ve worked with through this process I call the mindfulness practice.

So much of what we do, in fact I would argue that everything we do, is based on what we think, based on this energetic relationship we have with everything around us.  With our busy lifestyles of  work, parenting,  social media etc, there’s no stillness, no quiet in our lives.  Most people aren’t even aware of what they think. And then they don’t understand why their lives are resulting in the experiences that they’re having.

That’s one of the reason I developed this mindfulness practice. Every day it’s important to get quiet. It’s a skill to develop the ability to hear the thoughts as they occur in your mind.  And it’s one of the most powerful skills you can develop. Because when you start working with the Creative Power of the Universe, anything is possible.