Creating Empowering Stories from The Powerful Living Experience 8/9/14


In this excerpt from the August 9th
Powerful Living Seminar in Orlando, I work with one of the attendees to transform his personal story from one of failure to one of empowerment.  So much of our ability to be motivated, creative and productive comes down to our mindset.  By creating empowering stories we literally experience that story as we tell it to ourselves, and the brain remembers it as if it actually occurred.  This, in fact, is the secret to “re-wiring” our brains.  While the brain is an extraordinary machine, it’s important that we use this machine, rather than allowing the brain to use us.  As we create empowering stories about circumstances that may not, at first glance, seem very positive, we flood the brain with empowering memories which it has no choice but to use as reference points for our future experiences.

This is how we develop a positive mental attitude.  With practice, we begin to see the bright side of every experience, rather than the problems or challenges.  We become optimistic rather than pessimistic.  We become opportunity finders versus problem finders.  As a result, we begin to emerge from our prior lives with a new, powerful, productive outlook on life.  Opportunities seem to abound, relationships improve, and life just gets better.

Let me know what you think of the video with your comments below and please ask any questions that ‘come to mind’.