Episode 016 – A New World Order: How to THINK about the dramatic changes taking place in the world and what you can ACTUALLY do to CHANGE them (Must Listen Episode)


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

 Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how we can apply the principles and methodologies that we teach to better react, respond, or otherwise deal with the external circumstances that we’re seeing in the world right now. 

Another war…

Another financial crisis…

Another political quandary…

Another threat to free speech…

Another corporate capture of major institutions…

People are confused, concerned, and downright scared about what’s in store for the future in their own lives – and for the world at large.  So it makes sense that the consciously awakened individuals like you and I are finding ourselves asking:

“What can WE do about it?  How can we navigate our way through all of the chaos in order to create the changes we want to see in the world?”

Understanding The “Invisible Laws” That Govern Our Reality

While I don’t want to spend too much time going into specifics, it’s worth mentioning the seemingly never ending proliferation of alarming global issues threatening our society.  We’ve got the ongoing debates about the origination of the Covid pandemic and how our governments (mis)handled the spread.  We’ve got the World Economic Forum pulling the strings of the printing, distribution, and hoarding of currency all around the world.  We’ve got wars in Ukraine and now in Israel, along with countless others that don’t make news headlines.  

On top of that, we have more access to information than at any other time in history, which also means we have more access to misinformation, bias, and conflicting ideas.  All we have to do is log into social media or turn on the news and we’re being flooded with external forces and entities attempting to capture our attention and influence our worldviews.  

And it’s true – where our attention goes our energy flows – so the question we must ask ourselves is how we can maintain an awareness of what’s going on in the world, but not become entangled with it?  How can we focus our attention, our thoughts, our ideas, our and emotional states to align with the vision we have for our lives (and for the world) and maintain the resiliency to operate from a powerful state of joy, curiosity, excitement, and compassion?

I believe these questions must be considered through a metaphysical lens, with a consideration of what the great spiritual teachers of the past 2,000 years have already done a pretty good job of answering.  You’ve got Christ himself, who is arguably the greatest metaphysician of all time.  You’ve got his contemporaries in Muhammad and Buddha.  Then you’ve got the 19th and 20th century thinkers like Neville Goddard, Raymond Charles Barker, Norman Vincent Peale, and of course Napoleon Hill – just to name a few.  

Each of these teachers built the foundation of their philosophies by talking about the fundamental forces that are behind the reality that we experience.  That’s what metaphysics is – it’s the physics behind the physics, or the invisible laws and rules that govern our realities.  It all goes back to the idea that everything is energy and that energy translates over time.

Energy translates into thoughts, thoughts solidify into emotions, emotions solidify into emotions, and emotions solidify into actions.  Then it’s the actions we take that produce the physical world that we see and experience.  If you’re familiar with our methodologies, this should sound familiar to you – this is the 5 Primary Drivers at work.  

Solving Problems With A New Level Of Consciousness

But when it comes to this challenge of not getting entangled with the crashing of worlds in our society right now, it’s important to analyze how we as humans are receiving energy and translating that energy into our lived physical realities.  After all, everything that we’re seeing right now in the world – both in our own lives and on a global scale – is a materialization of our individual and collective inner worlds.  It’s all of the pent-up energy, trauma, resentments, thoughts, and beliefs boiling over until they find a way to materialize into reality.

Another challenge is the fact that the very entities that are providing us with information – both the traditional outlets like CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News and the independent media like Joe Rogan, Ben Shapiro, and Glenn Beck – are perpetuating the cacophony of emotions we’re experiencing, namely fear.  And it’s this fear that’s keeping the whole “system” in place. 

But as Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” We can’t expect a solution to all of these global issues – whether it’s recessions, wars, pandemics, censorship, corporate capture, or anything in between – from the same fear that created them in the first place.  Nothing new will be created and these issues will only keep perpetuating and exacerbating.

This is a really important concept that goes back to everything we teach in our methodology about going beyond self-awareness and creating real change in our own lives.  It’s why so many of us develop a fear of our own limiting beliefs and suffer through this psycho-cybernetic loop and self-fulfilling prophecy of the very beliefs that are dictating our realities.

The Formula For All Creation

Life has no choice but to give you what you want and return the energy that you’re putting out into the Universe – these are the invisible laws of metaphysics that’s been talked about in the Bible, the Quran, and the Bhagavad Gita.

So when it comes down to wanting to make a change or to create more in own own lives, it comes back to this fundamental equation = Desire + Non-Resistance = Desired Outcome.  In other words, if you have the desire to make more money and you don’t have any limiting beliefs about making money or resistance to doing what’s required to make more money, then inevitably you’ll have the thoughts, ideas, and emotions that allow you to take the necessary action to, ultimately, make more money.

Simultaneously, when you’re operating free of resistance in alignment with the desires you have, metaphysics would suggest that there’s this idea of coincidence, co-creation, and synchronicity taking place between you and the Universe and that you’ll begin attracting circumstances and situations that are going to support you in the fulfillment of your desires.

Notice that we haven’t talked about “figuring things out”, having a plan, hustling, grinding, or hoping for the best.  As I’ve mentioned many times before, the strategies and processes we use in order to facilitate the fulfillment of our desires are the effect, or the byproduct, of the cause, which is clearing the resistance.

Yet as a species, we’ve been domesticated into believing that the “doing” is more important than the “being”.  We’ve been operating according to a bad math, geocentric model of the Universe.  But the newer, more conscious, metaphysical heliocentric model would suggest that if we want to change our lives, it’s not our job to attempt to control our external environment.  Instead, it’s our job to take a look at what the resistance is inside of us.  Because when we can remove it, the Universe will work both through us and external to us to create the desired results we want.

Shifting From Fear To Faith

Now, coming back to Einstein’s idea that we can only create solutions with a different level of consciousness than what created the problem, we could boil these principles down to an even more binary model – faith and fear – and apply it to both what we want to create in our individual lives and the changes we want to see in the world.

If fear is the pervading emotion standing in our way of achieving what we want, what if we shifted to a more faith-based approach?  What if all it took for us to create what we want in our own lives and as a global collective was to have a vision and to remove the fear standing in our way of actualizing it?  

After all, this is the promise of Scripture and many of the great texts.  Matthew 21:22 says “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Ephesians 6:16 says “In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.” James 1:6 says “Let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.”

Now as I’ve expressed before, I’m not a particularly religious person and by no means a Biblical scholar.  But in some of these teachings, we can see sentiments that have been echoed by the likes of Napoleon Hill that give us a better understanding of how reality works.

So we can take a look at our own lives and what’s going on in the world and question whether or not we’re thinking and acting out of fear or faith.  For example, I had a private client come to me expressing concerns about the current banking system, which she described as a “financial cartel”.  

She wanted to know what to do to protect her money, especially because the FDIC only has enough funds to ensure 2% of deposits made.  She was considering buying a farm, living off grid, and doing whatever she could to divorce herself from the “system”.  She was aware of what was going on in the world financially and it was bringing up fear within her.

But the reality is, we can’t change the system if we’re operating from the same fear that created it.  This comes back to what we teach about how there are only 2 states of being – Primal and Powerful – and you’re always in one state of being or the other, never both at the same time.

What’s happening in the world right now is that we become more aware of these problems that we’ve already mentioned, we’re apt to move into fear and anger, so we’re attempting to find solutions from a place of fear and anger.  But fear is what created these systems in the first place.  

We’re trying to fight fire with fire – but we can’t.  So it’s our job to find a way to get back into a powerful state of being in order to create solutions from a place of love, compassion, excitement, and creativity.  As I’ve mentioned before, whatever we hold in our minds on a consistent basis will materialize into our physical reality.

Creating Change In A Trauma-Based Environment

Everything we’re seeing right now, that we’re describing as this “totalitarian control”, is simply a byproduct of the traumas inside each and every one of us.  If we really look at what has led us up to this point in history, it’s just thousands and thousands of years of wars, colonization, destruction, and genocide.  That might seem like a dark way to look at human history, but it’s fairly accurate.  And all of that trauma has been passed down from generation to generation.

It gets passed down by civilizations, cultures, and society as a whole just as it gets passed down in our nuclear families.  That’s why we often mirror the projections of our own parents and formulate so many of our core beliefs at an early age – we take on the belief systems and the traumas of the people that we came from.

The beauty of this conversation is that we’ve already done so much of the heavy lifting simply by becoming aware of these things.  So it’s now our job to become metaphysicians, like the great teachers that came before us, to metabolize and transform those beliefs and traumas so that they no longer perpetuate to the next generation.  

We all have the opportunity to act as agents of change by translating the primal states of emotion that’ve been passed on to us into powerful states.  And as it comes out the other side, not only does the world become a better place, but we become powerful creators in our own lives.

Looking at our individual lives, this is fairly easy to buy into.  If we can accept that our thoughts become things and our beliefs dictate our destiny, then we can “do the work” to eliminate our resistances and shift from operating in fear to operating in faith.  

Meanwhile, we’re collectively creating this other reality for all of humankind.  Because when millions upon millions of people share the same levels of fear and hold onto the same types of resistance, the “powers that be” and the status quo systems that we all abide by have no choice but to materialize and continue perpetuating exactly in exactly the way that they currently are.

So the solution to transforming these systems is not to be angry with them.  That’s essentially just pouring fuel on the fire to keep giving them life.  The solution is to purge ourselves of fear.  If millions of people purge themselves of fear, the system can no longer exist.

Consider this: if you could scan the consciousness of millions of different Americans, the vast majority of them would admit to having a fear of not having enough money at some point in their life.  So many people have the “living under a bridge” fear.  Again, this is largely due to the limiting beliefs, fears, and traumas about money that have been passed down from generation to generation.  

So what happens is that this puts an idea out into the collective consciousness that someone else is able to receive at some big financial institution that allows those fears to materialize.  They might say, “Hey, let’s buy up all of the residential real estate market and control the supply for housing.” Then, as rent prices and mortgage rates skyrocket, it creates evidence to prove those fears and beliefs to be “true”.

This can be seen in virtually any societal issue you can think of.  People fear being censored for their thoughts, ideas, and speech.  So what happens?  Internet platforms start censoring and canceling people.  People fear losing or not having enough money.  So what happens?  Banking failures, inflation, and recession.  People fear illegal immigrants taking jobs or bringing drugs into the country.  So what happens?  More immigrants come pouring across the borders.

We’re seeing it right now in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in an area of the world where trauma and fear have been bubbling up for a long, long time. Coincidentally, this is where the great metaphysician teachers and this new form of consciousness originated.  On both sides, there’s a massive amount of fear – and it’s that fear that’s materialized into violent conflict.

Ordinary People & The Whisper Of Spirit

What I’m suggesting here is that the solution to most of the circumstances and situations that we no longer want to experience is to purge ourselves of fear.  At least, that’s half the battle.  The other half is the action itself.  I remember watching a Glenn Beck video recently, and he was talking about a conversation he had with the late preacher Billy Graham.  

Beck said to Graham something to the effect of: The world’s not going in a particularly positive direction right now.  Who’s going to show up in order to save us?  Who’s the next Martin Luther King Jr. or Gandhi or George Washington?

And Graham’s response was: “God’s tired of working through individual people.  He’s going to start working through everyone now.  I believe that ordinary, everyday type of people are going to hear the quiet whisper of Spirit giving them instructions on what they need to do.  Sometimes it’ll be very mundane, simple things, sometimes really big things.  But all of those things when expressed, when enough people are willing to courageously take action and follow that guidance – THAT is what’s going to change the world.”

I personally couldn’t agree more.  If we had millions of people using these metaphysical principles to purge themselves of fear, get clear on what they want to create, and listen to this whisper of Spirit to stand up and take action, change will inevitably take place.

So it’s up to shift our attention, energy, and thoughts away from these fear-based models.  We can use the awareness of what we no longer wish to experience to get clear on what we do want to see in our lives and in the world.  If we don’t want censorship, we do want free speech.  If we don’t want the downfall of the financial system, we do want financial sovereignty.  If we don’t want these senseless wars, we do want world peace.

In a sense, we can “thank” the system for helping us become aware of what we don’t want so that we can become aware of what we do want.  That gives us desire.  And if you remember the next step in the equation, we need to remove resistance. If millions of people remove their resistance and fear, each and every one of them would start to tune into that quiet whisper of Spirit inside of them and follow the intuition and inspiration that’s guiding them to create the changes they want to see.

What those changes are will look a little different for everyone. It might start with a simple idea, it might be having a conversation that was previously un-had, it might be starting a new business or non-profit.  Either way, more people would tune into the variety of solutions that exist out there in consciousness and they would joyfully, faithfully, and effortlessly become the vehicles or mechanisms for materializing those solutions.

As millions of people do this, while giving no attention to the current structure, we would be able to create an entirely new system, because the old structure would have no energy left to hold it in place.  Why? Because it’s only being held in place by fear.  Where that fear once resided, there’s now this new space – a new space of faith, a new space for new ideas, a new space for healing, a new space for all of us to be our authentic selves rather than simply living in reaction to the historical traumas that have been passed through us.

If enough of us abide by these metaphysical principles that the great spiritual teachers talked about, if enough of us start operating according to this heliocentric model, if enough of us detoxify ourselves of the fear and trauma that’s been accumulating for thousands of years, and if enough of us work together in fellowship and as a community to start directing our attention in another direction, in faith, then the world has no choice but to change.

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