Overcoming Ego from The Powerful Living Experience 8/9/14


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In this video I share my BEST tool for working with that negative voice in my head.  Often times I wake up anxious.  Rather than carry that anxiety in to my day, I work a process where I dump out all the negativity, look at it, and then coach myself around the issues that come up.  

Many people try to ignore the voice in the head, or fear. What we need to learn how to do is dance with it – To use it to help us understand what unconscious thoughts are driving our behavior.

Try this process out the next time you’re feeling anxious, or afraid, and the voice in your head is telling you that you can’t, or you shouldn’t have, you’re not good enough.  The more willing you are to shift your negative self-talk around, the more Powerfully you’ll be able to step into your day.

Let me know if you can relate.  Do you hear the voice in your head? How do you deal with it?