Episode 111 – I Thought I Knew Mindset – Then I Read These Five Books


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

Most people dive into personal development with an almost electric excitement. It’s like, Oh my God, I can create my own reality! I can change any circumstance in my life! I can attract more wealth, my soulmate, transform my health, build a multimillion-dollar business!

And here’s the kicker—it’s all true.

Yet, so many people struggle to materialize their dreams. Why? If we have access to more information than ever before—books on psychology, neuroscience, success, spirituality—why does achieving our goals sometimes feel further away?

The problem isn’t a lack of information. The problem is too much information. Over the years, I’ve read thousands of books on personal growth, mindset, and success. But when I look back, there are only five books that truly made the difference. Five books that, when combined, gave me the roadmap to go from a self-help junkie stuck in struggle to launching a $30 million company, marrying the love of my life, and manifesting everything I had once written down on a vision board.

If I had to start over and could only take five books with me, these would be them. Let’s dive in—starting with number five.

  1. A New Earth – Eckhart Tolle

Many people are familiar with Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now, which was a game-changer in personal development. That book introduced millions to the concept of the ego—the voice in our heads that constantly narrates, critiques, and judges. But A New Earth takes it further.

Instead of focusing solely on personal awakening, A New Earth is about collective awakening—how humanity as a whole is evolving. When I first read it, I felt immense hope. It wasn’t just about me changing my life; it was about how we’re all shifting into something new, something greater.

Tolle uses this powerful metaphor: he says that the great spiritual teachers of history were like a single flower blooming on a grassy hill. But now, we’re at a point where the entire hill is beginning to blossom. That resonated deeply with me, especially when looking at the chaos in the world—the violence, censorship, corporate control, and fear-driven narratives. It can feel overwhelming, like we’re trapped.

But as Tolle reminds us, we are only ever trapped in our own mind. The key to our freedom is already in our hands. As we free ourselves, we become part of a global shift toward something better. That’s why I keep this book close—it reminds me that no matter how dark things seem, a new world is always being born.

Reading this book helped me release my personal suffering by showing me that the ego thrives on identification with pain and conflict. Tolle teaches that when we shift our consciousness, when we stop identifying with our pain and instead live in the present moment, suffering disappears. This book gave me a profound sense of peace and certainty that not only can I change, but so can the world around me.

  1. The Neville Goddard Collection

Neville Goddard was one of the most powerful mystical teachers of the 20th century. A former actor and dancer from Barbados, he became a leading voice in the power of imagination—the idea that everything in our physical reality begins in the unseen realm of thought.

Neville taught that we exist in a fourth dimension—a dimension of imagination and energy. Everything you could ever want already exists there. And if you hold a vision in your mind long enough and with enough certainty, it must become physical reality.

I tested this. Years ago, I decided I wanted to manifest an extra $60,000 by the end of the year—without knowing how. Every night, I imagined what it would feel like to already have that money. I visualized spending it, feeling the relief and excitement.

Nine months later, on December 27th, I received an unexpected offer—someone wanted to buy a small part of a company I had completely written off as worthless. The amount? Exactly $60,000.

Neville’s teachings go beyond visualization. He emphasizes the importance of embodying the feeling of already having what you desire. His famous phrase, assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled, means you must live in the state of already having what you want before it materializes in your reality.

This book shattered my limiting beliefs about what’s possible. It taught me that reality bends to our assumptions, and that success isn’t about grinding—it’s about aligning. It changed how I approach goals, making me focus less on “how” something will happen and more on experiencing the feeling of already having it.

  1. The Game of Life and How to Play It – Florence Scovel Shinn

Florence Scovel Shinn was teaching the law of attraction long before it became mainstream. Her book lays out the spiritual laws of success, and how most people fail because they don’t realize life is a game—one with rules you can learn to master.

She breaks it down into three key ideas:

Your words create reality. She teaches that words are like magic spells—what you speak manifests into form. If you say, I never have enough money, you are literally programming your life to reflect that truth. Instead, say, Money flows effortlessly to me in expected and unexpected ways.

Struggle is unnecessary. She emphasizes that when you’re truly aligned, things come with ease. If you’re forcing and struggling, you’re likely on the wrong path.

Life is a battle of faith vs. fear. Every moment, you are either choosing faith (possibility, belief, expansion) or fear (doubt, limitation, contraction). The key is to keep choosing faith, over and over, until miracles become your norm.

  1. The Power of Decision – Raymond Charles Barker

Most people believe success is about taking action. It’s not. Success is about making decisions.

Barker explains that your current reality is the sum of every decision you’ve ever made—or failed to make. The moment you truly decide on something, the universe moves to support you.

A powerful realization from this book was that indecision is a decision in itself—a decision to stay stuck. People hesitate because they fear making the wrong choice, but Barker teaches that any firm decision is better than lingering in uncertainty.

I put this to the test. I stopped hesitating and started making bold, clear decisions about my business, relationships, and future. The results were nothing short of miraculous. Clients, opportunities, and resources began showing up almost effortlessly, all because I finally decided to own my choices.

  1. The Bible

At its core, the Bible is the ultimate guide to mindset, belief, and manifestation. It teaches that reality is shaped by faith, intention, and the alignment of thought and action.

One of the most profound lessons is in Mark 11:24: Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. This mirrors what modern self-help books teach about visualization and belief—except it was written thousands of years ago.

The Bible is filled with principles of manifestation, resilience, and divine timing. Proverbs 23:7 states, As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. This reinforces the idea that our thoughts don’t just influence reality; they create it.

Another essential teaching comes from Romans 12:2: Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. This scripture aligns with the modern understanding of neuroplasticity—the ability of the brain to rewire itself based on thought and repetition.

When studied with an open mind, the Bible reveals itself as a blueprint for success and personal transformation. It is not merely a religious text but a universal guide to understanding the power of consciousness, faith, and intention.


These five books shaped my journey from struggling with uncertainty to living with intention, clarity, and purpose. They each played a role in transforming how I think, act, and experience the world around me. If you’re looking for a way to break free from limiting beliefs and step into your full potential, these books will serve as your roadmap.

Your personal growth isn’t about consuming more information—it’s about applying the right information. Take what resonates with you from these books, implement their teachings, and watch how your reality begins to shift.

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