Episode 109 – Manifest More, Easier, and In Less Time


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

There is one devastating thing that prevents people from creating the life they truly want. It’s not a lack of money. It’s not a lack of opportunity. It’s not even a lack of talent or intelligence. The single biggest roadblock is this: the belief that you need to figure out how it’s all going to happen before you take action.

More dreams have been buried in the graveyard because of this than anything else. People get caught in the trap of thinking they need the perfect plan, the perfect strategy, and the perfect conditions before they start moving toward what they want. But that’s a lie. Success, fulfillment, and transformation don’t come from knowing how—they come from deciding what and taking action, even in uncertainty.

When you look at the most successful people in history—visionaries, entrepreneurs, leaders—they didn’t have every step mapped out before they began. What they had was certainty in their vision and the willingness to move forward without needing to know all the details.

If you asked me what stops people from achieving prosperity, growing their business, improving their health, or building fulfilling relationships, I’d tell you this: stop trying to figure out the how. Let go of the need for a perfect plan, and instead, focus on making a decision and stepping into action. The path will reveal itself, but only once you start moving.

The Trap of Needing to Know the How

People get stuck asking, How am I going to make more money? How am I going to fix my relationship? How am I going to get rid of these limiting beliefs? But when you truly understand how reality works, you let go of the need to micromanage the process and watch as the miracle unfolds before you.

The truth is, if you keep gripping onto the need to know every step, it will shred you across the rocks. It slows you down while life is trying to move you along to your destiny as quickly as possible.

Most of us are conditioned to believe that unless we have every step mapped out, we can’t begin. This conditioning starts early, ingrained by a society that teaches us to value logic and structured planning above all else. We’re told that success is about following a step-by-step guide, carefully avoiding mistakes, and making calculated moves. But breakthroughs, success stories, and miraculous transformations rarely come from knowing every single step beforehand. They come from a decision, a leap of faith, and the willingness to take action despite not knowing the entire roadmap.

Think about the moments in your life when things have worked out unexpectedly. How often have you followed a plan exactly as laid out and had it unfold perfectly? More likely, your biggest successes have come from moments where you adapted, pivoted, and took action even when you didn’t have all the details. The world works in a way where opportunities arise as you move forward—not before you start.

I’ve seen time and time again that anything is possible, no matter what it is, but only if you release the need to control the how. The more you fixate on controlling every detail, the more resistance you create. But when you shift into trust—when you hold the vision and take inspired action—the how has a way of revealing itself in ways you could never have planned.

The Underground Railroad and the Power of Vision

One of the most profound examples of this is the Underground Railroad. During the early 1800s, when slavery was still a brutal reality in the United States, enslaved people and abolitionists shared one common vision: freedom. But they had no clear plan, no leadership structure, and no defined path.

Yet, bit by bit, the structure of the Underground Railroad emerged. Conductors like Harriet Tubman played their roles, guiding people to safety, while unexpected miracles—an unlocked barn, a kind stranger—showed up just when they were needed. The plan revealed itself over time, piece by piece, in ways that no one could have predicted.

This teaches us a powerful lesson: when a vision is strong enough, the path emerges. Those seeking freedom trusted the unseen, took action despite not knowing the full picture, and watched as the how revealed itself through small, seemingly unrelated steps that all contributed to the larger goal.

We see this same pattern in almost every great achievement. The Wright brothers didn’t have an exact formula for powered flight before they started their experiments. Walt Disney didn’t have a proven strategy for building Disneyland when he envisioned it. John F. Kennedy didn’t know the precise steps it would take to land a man on the moon when he declared it would happen. What they had was certainty in their vision—and because of that, the path unfolded as they moved forward.

The lesson here is simple: you don’t need to know how something will happen in order to start. Your only job is to decide and move forward. The rest will reveal itself in time.

Why We Stay Stuck

So how does this apply to your life?

Whether it’s making more money, finding a better job, overcoming depression, or healing your body, most people put the how ahead of the vision. They put the cart before the horse—and this is the number one reason they stay stuck.

When you obsess over how something will happen, you unknowingly reinforce the belief that it’s not possible for you. You get caught in analysis paralysis, overthinking every step instead of taking action. You tell yourself, I’ll start when I have a plan, but that plan never comes because you’re waiting for proof before you believe in the possibility.

Take a study done at Harvard, featured in Time Magazine in 2009. Scientists brought in piano players and studied which parts of their brains lit up while they played. Then, they asked them to imagine playing—and the same parts of the brain activated.

In fact, 80% of neural activity is achieved just through imagination. The brain doesn’t know the difference between visualization and reality. When you dream about a future, your brain starts experiencing it as if it’s already happening, rewiring itself to create the outcome.

This explains why visualization is so powerful. If your brain is already primed for the result, your actions begin to align with that reality. But the problem is that most people spend far more time visualizing failure, obstacles, and worst-case scenarios than they do imagining success. They focus on why things won’t work instead of why they will.

If you’ve been stuck in the same patterns for years, it’s likely because you’ve been living inside the limitations of your circumstances instead of stepping into the vision of what you truly want. The good news? You can change that—starting now.

The Power of Decision: How I Met My Wife

I’ve experienced this firsthand. Over a decade ago, I had been single for ten years. I had just gone through recovery from drug and alcohol addiction, and I felt ready for a relationship. But for years, I kept asking myself how it would happen. Where would I meet the right person? What if I wasn’t ready? What if it took years?

Then, at the end of 2022, I made a decision. I didn’t know how, but I knew what. I told myself: By the end of this year, I will meet a beautiful Colombian woman and make her my wife.

Two weeks later, I met Carol, my now-wife, through an extraordinary series of synchronicities. Looking back, I can see how every event lined up perfectly—but at the time, I had no idea how it would happen. The only thing I did was decide.

Here’s the truth: decisions create momentum. When you make a firm decision and commit to it fully, the how begins to unfold. People, opportunities, and circumstances begin to align in ways you never could have predicted. But most people never reach this stage because they hesitate. They get stuck in uncertainty, waiting for the perfect circumstances before making a move.

If I had waited to figure out the how before deciding, I’d probably still be single. The same principle applies to everything—business, money, health, happiness. You don’t need to know how. You just need to decide what—and move forward with certainty.

You Don’t Need to Know the How—You Just Need to Decide

This is how we create anything in life. The American Revolution, the invention of the lightbulb, space exploration—it all started with a decision.

Think about Thomas Edison. He didn’t know exactly how to create a working lightbulb when he began. In fact, he failed over 10,000 times before he got it right. But he didn’t start by figuring out the how—he started by deciding that he would bring light into the world. The how revealed itself through trial, error, and persistence.

The Wright brothers had no proof that powered flight was possible when they started their experiments. Walt Disney didn’t have a perfect business plan for Disneyland before he broke ground. John F. Kennedy didn’t have the technology to send a man to the moon when he declared that the U.S. would do it.

What they all had in common was an unshakable decision. They didn’t wait to have every answer before they took action. They didn’t demand certainty before they believed. They made the decision first—then the how unfolded.

So what is the vision trying to work through you? What have you been putting off because you don’t know how to make it happen? What if the only thing stopping you isn’t a lack of resources, knowledge, or opportunity—but simply your hesitation to decide?

Your Current Reality Is Old News

You have to stop believing that your current circumstances dictate your future. Your financial situation, your business struggles, your health conditions—these are past results of old thoughts and beliefs.

Everything you’re experiencing right now is simply a reflection of the decisions, beliefs, and actions you’ve held in the past. If you’re unhappy with where you are, it’s because you’ve been focused on limitations rather than possibilities. The good news? You can change it.

The biggest mistake people make is assuming that their current reality is fixed. They think, I don’t have enough money, so I can’t invest in myself. I’ve never been successful before, so I can’t succeed now. But that thinking keeps them stuck in a loop, recreating the same struggles over and over again.

You didn’t get to where you are today overnight—it was shaped by patterns of thought and action. And that means your future is being shaped right now by the thoughts and actions you choose today. If you want to change your reality, you must stop reacting to your current circumstances and start focusing on what you want to create.

You are not bound by what has happened before. The moment you decide to shift your focus from your limitations to your vision, you begin rewiring your reality. The world will start rearranging itself in response to your new mindset. The question is: What reality are you going to create next?

The 3-Step Process to Creating Anything You Want

Now that you understand why you don’t need to know how things will happen, how do you actually put this into practice? The answer is simple: follow this three-step process.


  1. Hold the Desire

What do you want? More financial abundance? A healed relationship? A new career? Get crystal clear on your desire and commit to it. The key here is certainty. You don’t need to know the details, but you must be unwavering in your belief that it’s possible for you.

Most people hesitate at this step because they are afraid of disappointment. They hold back from fully committing to what they want because they fear failure. But the only way to manifest something is to fully own the desire—without diluting it with doubt.

  1. Let Go of the How

Your job is not to figure out the how. Your job is to trust that once you commit to a vision, the steps will reveal themselves. This doesn’t mean sitting around waiting for a miracle—it means staying open, paying attention to synchronicities, and allowing the right opportunities to come into your life.

The mistake most people make is trying to force a plan before they take action. This creates resistance and slows them down. Instead, shift into a mindset of non-resistance. Allow ideas and inspiration to come to you naturally.

  1. Take Inspired Action

Opportunities will arise. You’ll have hunches, meet the right people, and receive ideas seemingly out of nowhere. When that happens, act on them. These moments are the how revealing itself. Don’t second-guess them—move forward with confidence.

Inspired action doesn’t always look like giant leaps. Sometimes it’s a simple phone call, a chance encounter, or a small but meaningful step. But when you trust and take action in alignment with your vision, momentum builds, and the path unfolds.

By following these three steps—holding the desire, letting go of the how, and taking inspired action—you’ll shift from frustration and stagnation to flow and success. Your only job is to decide and take the first step. The rest will take care of itself.

Make Your Dreams Matter

What you focus on expands. If you focus on your problems, you’ll get more problems. If you focus on your vision, you’ll attract the resources, people, and opportunities that align with it.

The mistake most people make is spending too much time analyzing what’s wrong and not enough time imagining what’s possible. They get consumed by their current circumstances, stuck in old patterns, and trapped by their own doubts. But the truth is, your future isn’t determined by where you are now—it’s shaped by where you choose to direct your mind.

Miracles are not only possible—they are inevitable when you shift your energy from fear and control to trust and vision. The how is not your responsibility. Your job is to decide, to hold the vision, and to take action when the opportunity arises.

So, what do you truly want? If you let go of all limitations—if you stop worrying about how and just allow yourself to dream—what would you create?

Decide today. Step into your vision. Trust the process. And watch the magic unfold.

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