Episode 106 – Eliminate Family Money Blocks: Rewire Your Money Mindset in Minutes


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

If you’re not where you want to be financially, I’ve got great news for you: there’s only one thing you need to change, and it’s not your job, your strategies, or even your circumstances. It’s your mindset.

Now, before you roll your eyes and dismiss this as “woo-woo,” let me assure you this is grounded in neuroscience and physics. I’m not here to sell you fluff. I’m here to show you how your beliefs and thoughts shape your financial reality—and how you can shift them to unlock true abundance.

Not that long ago, I was struggling. I had two homes in foreclosure, a failed business, credit card debt, and just a few hundred dollars in my bank account. Fast forward to today, and I’ve generated over $30 million, live in the home of my dreams, and have investments and businesses that support my family’s future. The difference wasn’t luck—it was a series of shifts in how I thought about money, prosperity, and myself.

Let me walk you through how you can do the same.

Why Do So Many People Struggle With Money?

The truth is, most people have always lived in financial insecurity. If you look back in history, wealth has always been concentrated in the hands of a small elite—the kings, queens, and emperors—while the majority lived in scarcity. That pattern didn’t just shape economies; it shaped belief systems. Over generations, we developed deeply ingrained ideas about money being hard to make, scarce, or only for the privileged few.

These beliefs didn’t stop with our ancestors. Just like we inherit our genetic code, we also inherit what I call a “belief code.” Your parents handed down their beliefs about money, likely without even realizing it, and those beliefs now shape your financial reality.

Think about it: what was money like growing up for you? Was it scarce? Did it cause arguments? Was it tied to hard work and sacrifice? For most of us, money in childhood feels eerily similar to money in adulthood. This isn’t a coincidence—it’s the direct result of the beliefs we unconsciously adopted from our family.

What Did Money Mean to You Growing Up?

Here’s an exercise I encourage you to try: Complete this sentence. When I was growing up, money was ____.

Take a second. What comes to mind? For thousands of people I’ve worked with, the most common answer is scarce. Others might say, “money came but didn’t stay,” or “money was hard to make.” Some say money was “problematic” or “caused arguments.”

For me, money growing up meant sacrifice. My dad was an attorney, and while we had financial stability, it came at a cost. He worked long hours—80 to 120 hours a week—and was rarely home. I saw firsthand how money created distance and conflict in my family. It’s no surprise I carried those beliefs into adulthood. Even as I started making money, I was hustling, grinding, and sacrificing my health and relationships on the altar of success.

What about you? What did money mean to you? Chances are, whatever you answered reflects the beliefs that are shaping your financial reality today.

How Beliefs Shape Your Financial Reality

Here’s the thing most people don’t realize: your brain is a goal-achieving machine. Whatever you believe becomes your reality, not because of magic, but because of how beliefs influence your thoughts, emotions, actions, and results.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Beliefs Drive Thoughts
    If you believe money is scarce, your thoughts will reflect that. You’ll worry about paying bills, question your ability to earn more, or compare yourself to others who seem more successful.
  2. Thoughts Create Emotions
    These thoughts don’t just stay in your head. They create feelings—anxiety, fear, frustration—that reinforce your belief.
  3. Emotions Shape Actions
    When you feel financially insecure, your actions follow suit. You might hesitate to invest, stick with a job you don’t love, or overspend out of fear.
  4. Actions Determine Results
    These actions lead to outcomes that confirm your belief. If you believe money is scarce, you’ll make decisions that perpetuate scarcity.

The kicker? This cycle reinforces itself. You look at your bank account and think, “See? Money really is scarce.” But the truth is, the belief came first. Your financial reality is simply a reflection of the beliefs you’ve held, often since childhood.

Breaking Free From Limiting Beliefs

Let’s talk about some of the most common money beliefs and how to break free from them.

Belief #1: Money Is Hard to Make

This belief often comes from seeing parents struggle. Maybe they worked multiple jobs or barely got by. But here’s the truth: money itself isn’t hard or easy to make. That’s just a story you’ve attached to it.

New Belief: Money flows to me with ease when I align with abundance.

Belief #2: I’ll Never Have Enough

This one hits close to home for many. It’s the fear that no matter what you do, it won’t be enough. But take a step back. Look at your life. Have you ever truly been without? Even in tough times, haven’t you always had enough to survive?

New Belief: I’ve always had enough, I have enough, and I will always have enough.

Belief #3: I Need to Know the “How”

So many people get stuck here. They think they need a foolproof plan before they can move forward. But the “how” isn’t your job. When you align your beliefs with abundance, the path will reveal itself.

New Belief: I trust that opportunities will present themselves as I release resistance.

The Power of New Decisions

Here’s a simple but profound truth: beliefs are just decisions you made at some point in your life. If you can decide that money is hard to make, you can just as easily decide the opposite.

When I realized my beliefs about money weren’t serving me, I made new decisions. I decided that money could be easy to make, that abundance was my birthright, and that I could achieve wealth without sacrificing my health or relationships. Those decisions changed everything.

What new decision can you make today? Maybe it’s, “I am a magnet for abundance,” or “Money flows to me in unexpected ways.” Whatever it is, choose a belief that aligns with the financial reality you want to create.

Gratitude and Patience: Keys to Abundance

If you want to transform your financial reality, start by appreciating where you are. Gratitude puts you in a state of non-resistance, allowing abundance to flow.

One of my favorite mantras is: To have a bank account I love, I love the bank account I have.

And remember, change takes time. Your current circumstances are the result of past thoughts and beliefs. As you shift your mindset, be patient. Trust the process and stay loyal to your new decisions, even when old fears creep in. Your reality will catch up.

Your Journey to Financial Freedom

Transforming your relationship with money isn’t about working harder or finding the perfect strategy. It’s about changing the beliefs that drive your thoughts, actions, and results. When you release limiting beliefs and align with abundance, you open the door to financial freedom—not just for yourself, but for future generations.

You have the power to break the cycle of scarcity. You have the power to create a life of prosperity and joy. And it all starts with one decision: the decision to believe in abundance. What new decision will you make today?

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