Episode 104 – Is The Devil ACTUALLY Real? I’ve Got Bad News For You…


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

Not long ago, I found myself in a deep conversation with my wife. I turned to her and said, “Babe, I think the devil might actually be real.” She looked at me curiously and replied, “Yeah, of course, there’s evil in the world.” I clarified, “No, I mean Satan is real.” That stopped her in her tracks. She looked at me like I was crazy.

For over a decade, I’ve studied human behavior, metaphysics, and spiritual traditions from cultures all over the world. One fascinating thing I’ve discovered is that across these traditions, Satan isn’t always just a symbol—many cultures describe him as an actual, real being. In Christianity, Satan is a fallen angel who rebelled against God. In Islam, he’s Iblis, a djinn who refused to bow to Adam out of pride. The Mayans depict a bat god tied to death. Even in Buddhism, Satan appears as the demon who tempted Buddha. Across these stories, he’s often described in eerily similar ways: horns, a tail, a forked tongue, an image of a being severed from love and faith.

And while Satan can’t materialize in physical form, he works through influence—spreading chaos, fear, and doubt. My wife asked me, “If that’s true, if Satan is real and responsible for all this destruction, then how do we defeat him?” My response was simple: We don’t. But there is One who can.

Humanity: A Masterpiece of Divine Creation

Let’s step back and look at the bigger picture. A long time ago, God had an idea—to connect the spiritual and material worlds. He wanted to bridge the gap between the heavens and the physical realm. To do this, He created what He considered His greatest masterpiece: the human being.

Unlike angels or other non-physical entities, humans were given physical senses—the ability to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. God gave us the capacity to experience the material world while still remaining connected to the spiritual realms. But He didn’t stop there. God gave us one of His greatest technologies: the brain and the nervous system, an interface between the physical and the non-physical.

Through this, humanity was granted the ability to think, imagine, feel, and create. We were made in God’s image. And what does that mean? It means we were given the power to create something out of nothing—just as God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. What we think, feel, and speak becomes our reality. When we speak blessings, abundance, and love, we create a world of blessings, abundance, and love.

But here’s the thing: God’s creation is rooted in infinite possibility. For us to truly know love, there must also be the possibility of its absence. Without darkness, we wouldn’t know light. Without evil, we wouldn’t recognize good. And just as God represents unconditional love and goodness, there must also exist the possibility of evil—and that is where Satan comes in.

The Fall of Humanity

Satan saw the beauty and joy in God’s creation and sought to destroy it. But instead of attacking humanity directly, he used the very gifts God gave us against us. The mind and the nervous system, designed for divine connection, became the playground for fear. This is the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Humanity existed in perfect harmony with God, living in the abundance and love He provided. Then Satan introduced fear and doubt, severing the connection between humanity and God.

When fear entered the picture, everything changed. Humanity became enslaved by an egoic, fear-based mind. Our genetic makeup, our very way of thinking, was altered. We forgot who we were and lost sight of our divine nature. Satan used fear as a sophisticated technology to control humanity—and it worked.

Satan’s plan was ingenious. He didn’t need to destroy humanity outright. Instead, he corrupted the very operating system God had designed for connection and creativity. Fear became the default mode of humanity’s existence. And in doing so, Satan severed the most precious relationship—that between God and His creation.

A Parent’s Love and a Plan for Redemption

When I shared this story with my wife, I could see her eyes welling up. As parents to a young child, we understand the kind of love that would compel you to sacrifice everything for your child. Imagine what it must feel like for God to watch His creation—His children—become enslaved by fear, separated from Him, and manipulated by darkness.

But God didn’t abandon us. He sent His son to show us the way back. Through his teachings, Jesus reminded us not to conform to a fear-based world but to transform it through the renewing of our minds. By shifting our focus from fear to faith, from scarcity to abundance, from doubt to trust, we can reclaim our sovereignty.

I told my wife that night, “God’s faith in us never wavers.” Despite everything Satan has done to corrupt and enslave, God believes in our capacity to overcome. He knows that within us lies the strength to reconnect, to reclaim our birthright as divine creators.

Seeing Through the Devil’s Trick

What’s the devil’s greatest trick? It’s convincing you that fear is real and that you’re powerless. But here’s the truth: fear is just an illusion. Once you see it for what it is, you begin to break free. Each time you choose gratitude over negativity, service over selfishness, or faith over fear, you weaken the devil’s grip. The power of fear starts to crumble, and your true self begins to emerge.

It’s not easy, but every small step matters. When you stop letting fear dictate your choices, you reclaim the divine power within you. This isn’t just about personal growth; it’s about fulfilling your role in a much bigger story.

“Each time you choose faith over fear,” I told my wife, “you reclaim your God-given sovereignty.” It’s not an instant transformation, but it’s a journey—and every step you take weakens the hold of darkness and strengthens the light within you.

God’s Faith in You

During that dinner conversation, I told my wife something that moved her to tears: God has so much faith in us. Think about that. Despite everything—the chaos, the destruction, the pain—God knows we will find our way back to Him. He’s placed something inside each of us that no challenge, no fear, and no force can take away. It’s His love, and it’s unshakable.

When you’re facing challenges or doubting your strength, remember this: God believes in you. He knows your resilience and your capacity for greatness. He sees past your struggles and knows that you’re on the path back to Him.

I imagine God looking at Satan with hopeful eyes, saying, “You don’t know my children. They will come back to me.” That’s how much faith He has in us. And that’s why we can never lose hope—because God hasn’t lost hope in us.

The Dawn of a New Age

I believe we are living in a pivotal time. We’re on the brink of a new era where spirituality and technology merge, where humanity returns to its connection with nature and with God. This isn’t a pie-in-the-sky dream; it’s a reality we are actively creating. Each choice we make, each step we take away from fear and toward love, brings us closer to this new age.

You’re a vital part of this transformation. Your actions, your mindset, and your faith ripple out and inspire others. Together, we’re writing the final chapters of this epic story of good versus evil. And here’s the best part: we’re winning.

Embracing Your Role

Every day, you have the chance to step into your power. You can choose to let go of fear, to focus on love, and to live as the creator you were meant to be. This isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress. Each small act of faith and love contributes to the collective transformation of our world.

So if you’re ever feeling lost or insignificant, remember this: You are part of the greatest story ever told. God’s faith in you is unwavering. You’re stronger than you know, and your journey is inspiring others.  Keep going. You’ve got this. And I’m honored to be on this journey with you.

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