Episode 094 – This Secret Biblical Technique Will Make You Superhuman


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

I want to share something that could change how you approach the challenges in your life. Let’s talk about something that has helped me in ways I wish I had known sooner: the idea that the battles you’re fighting may already be won. This isn’t wishful thinking; it’s rooted in both physics and metaphysics, and if you’re willing to lean into it, it can ease the burden you’ve been carrying.

The Struggle We All Face

We all face battles—financial struggles, business challenges, health issues, or strained relationships. If you’re like me, you’ve probably spent a lot of time fighting these battles in your head, trying to figure out solutions, stressing about what to do next. But here’s the thing: What if the solution to your problem is already in motion? What if it’s already on its way to you, waiting for you to stop fighting long enough to receive it?

This idea hit me hard when I was listening to a song by Shane and Shane called “You’ve Already Won.” There’s a lyric that says, “I’m fighting a battle you’ve already won.” It made me pause and think, could this be true? Could the battles I’ve been fighting so hard to win already be resolved in some way?

If you’re feeling tight about money, for instance, and constantly worrying about how to pay the bills or where the next paycheck will come from, imagine this: What if I told you I came back from the future and saw that everything works out? That the money, the opportunity, the abundance you’re waiting for is already on its way? How would that change the way you’re fighting right now?

Letting Go of the Fight

Scripture often reminds us that the battle isn’t ours to fight. In 2 Chronicles 20, when Jehoshaphat faced an overwhelming enemy, he was told, “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.” Similarly, in Exodus 14, Moses said to the Israelites as they faced the Red Sea with Pharaoh’s army behind them, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” And then there’s my favorite from 1 Samuel 17, where young David says, “The battle is the Lord’s” before taking down Goliath.

What if the same is true for you? What if the battles you’re fighting aren’t meant to be won through force but through faith and stillness?

The Physics of Problems and Solutions

Let’s step away from theology for a moment and look at this through the lens of energy and consciousness. When we face a problem, our nervous system sends out a vibrational signal of dissatisfaction—stress, fear, frustration, or worry. This signal is like a broadcast to the universe, God, or whatever higher intelligence you believe in. And the moment that signal goes out, the system begins working to manufacture a solution.

Here’s the key: To receive that solution, we have to stop fighting the problem. Einstein said, “You cannot solve a problem with the same energy or consciousness that created it.” That means if we’re stuck in the energy of worry, frustration, or anger, we’re blocking the solution from coming to us. Instead, we need to step away, to be still, and let the higher intelligence do its work.

Stepping Back to Move Forward

This doesn’t mean sitting back and doing nothing. It means stepping away from the fight and listening for inspiration. Sometimes the answer shows up on its own, like a reimbursement check you weren’t expecting or a chance meeting with someone who can help. Other times, it requires action—but not just any action. Inspired action.

Take Moses, for example. He didn’t just sit and wait for the Red Sea to part. He stretched out his hand, following divine instruction. David didn’t avoid the battlefield; he faced Goliath with nothing but a sling and a rock. But both of them acted from a place of faith, not fear. They stepped back from the fight long enough to hear the whisper of guidance.

In my own life, there was a time when my wife and I were struggling with our business. Things had grown fast, but then we hit a wall. We tried everything—new strategies, new hires, new consultants—but nothing worked. We were exhausted, burnt out, and ready to quit. Finally, I decided to stop. I said, “God, I’m going to rest. I’m going to focus on journaling, exercising, and spending time with my family. I’m going to stop pushing.”

And do you know what happened? Over the next month, miracles showed up. The right team members appeared. Clients we hadn’t expected came forward. New ideas for our business flowed effortlessly. Even this blog you’re reading—and the exponential growth of our audience—came from that period of stepping away.

The Power of Faith and Relaxation

One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is that when nothing is working, sometimes the best thing to do is nothing. Frank Kinslow’s book, When Nothing Works, Try Doing Nothing, perfectly captures this wisdom.

Think about it: When you’re stuck in a problem, fighting only makes it worse. But when you relax, take a step back, and shift into a different frequency—one of faith, hope, or gratitude—solutions start to appear. It’s like tuning into the right channel on a radio; once you’re on the right frequency, you can finally hear the music.

Creating Space for Solutions

So what can you do while you wait? Focus on activities that bring you joy and align you with the energy of solutions. Spend time with loved ones, read an inspiring book, take a walk in nature, or do something creative. For me, reconnecting with my family and friends during that tough time brought a sense of peace that allowed space for answers to come in.

If you’re battling something in your life—be it financial stress, a health issue, or a relationship struggle—try stepping off the battlefield. Trust that the battle is already won and that the solutions you seek are on their way. Let go of the fight and see what happens when you make space for the universe to step in.

Victory Is Yours

When Jesus said, “My yoke is easy,” I believe he was pointing to this very idea. Life doesn’t have to be a constant struggle. Yes, there will be challenges, but when we let go and trust, we allow life to work for us instead of against us.

So if you’re in the thick of it right now, know this: The battle is already won. Your job is to create the space to receive the solution. Stop fighting, start trusting, and watch what happens. You’ve got this. And remember, you’re not alone in this journey.

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