Episode 088 – Master Your Mind and Hack Your Reality


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

Have you ever felt like you’re working so hard but not seeing the results you want? Or maybe you’ve set goals, taken steps toward them, and still wonder why things aren’t coming together. Here’s what I’ve come to realize: there’s a process—a mechanism, really—that governs how our thoughts turn into things. And once you understand this, you can stop struggling and start creating the life you truly desire.

Thoughts and Beliefs: The Starting Point of Creation

Everything starts with a thought, but not all thoughts are created equal. You see, your beliefs—what you truly think is possible—determine whether a thought will turn into reality. For example, if you believe that money is hard to make or that being wealthy requires sacrificing your health or family, you’ll never access the ideas or opportunities to create financial abundance.

There’s an internal conflict there, and that conflict blocks you. But if you shift your beliefs to something like, “Money is easy to make. Wealth is my birthright. I don’t have to hustle or grind or sacrifice what matters most,” something incredible happens. You start having thoughts aligned with making money in ways that excite you. You notice opportunities you hadn’t seen before. And because those thoughts feel good, they lead to inspired action.

The Biggest Mistake People Make

Let me tell you where most people go wrong: they take score too soon. Maybe you’ve been working on changing your mindset or doing affirmations for 30 days, and you’re like, “Why am I not rich yet?” This is where people give up. They think, “Money must be hard to make after all,” and fall back into old patterns.

But here’s the thing: this process takes a little time—not a lot, but enough time for your thoughts and actions to align with what you want. Neville Goddard talks about staying loyal to the fourth dimension, which is the realm of imagination. That’s the key. If you stay loyal to your vision and don’t let doubt creep in, you’ll eventually see your results show up.

How the External Mechanism Works

Here’s where it gets even more interesting: this isn’t just about you. The moment you desire something—whether it’s financial abundance, a fulfilling relationship, or better health—something external starts happening too.

Other people’s unconscious minds get involved. They become driven to do things that create coincidences, synchronicities, and perfect timing in your life. Maybe you see a job posting that’s ideal for you, or you meet someone who opens a door you never even knew existed.

This isn’t random. It’s infinite intelligence at work. And when you really think about it, this external coordination is responsible for 99.9% of the results you get. Sure, you still have to take action, but the majority of what happens is beyond your direct control.

My Story: Manifesting My Wife

Let me share a personal story to illustrate this. I was single for almost ten years. Out of that experience, I developed a strong desire to meet the woman of my dreams. Around the end of December, I decided, “This is the year. I’m ready.”

Two weeks later, I was in Sarasota, Florida, for a weekend trip. Through a series of events—a torn rotator cuff, meeting a health practitioner, a restaurant waitlist—I ended up talking to a group of three women at a bar. One of them was Colombian, which I had always dreamed of, and she became my wife.

Now, if I hadn’t taken the action to approach them, we might never have met. But if you look at all the external events leading up to that moment, it’s clear that infinite intelligence had been orchestrating things long before I made my move.

Why Relaxation Is the Key

Here’s the part that most people don’t believe at first: the less you try to force things, the faster they come to you. When you’re constantly focused on what’s missing—“Where is it? Why hasn’t it happened yet?”—you’re in resistance.

But when you relax and stop obsessing over your problems, you tune your nervous system to a higher frequency. That’s when new ideas, opportunities, and connections start showing up.

It’s like tuning a radio. Your nervous system is an electrical, mechanical, vibrational tool. When you align it with your desires instead of your doubts, you become magnetic to what you want.

Turning Pain Into Power

Here’s something I want you to understand: every challenge you’ve faced, every setback, every frustration—they’re not barriers to your success. They’re the seeds of your greatness.

Your struggles create clarity. They show you what you don’t want, which helps you define what you do want. And the moment you get clear on that, infinite intelligence starts organizing the people, events, and resources needed to make it happen.

So if you’ve been through something hard, don’t see it as a reason to hold back. See it as the raw material for the extraordinary life you’re meant to create.

The New Math of Creation

We’ve been taught the wrong equation for success. Hustle + grind = results? That’s the old math. The new math is much simpler: desire + non-resistance = desired results.

Think about this: the problems in your life are the seeds of your desires. And the moment you desire something, life immediately responds. The only thing left for you to do is relax, align with your vision, and let the process unfold.

Changing the World Starts Within

The chaos we see in the world—wars, division, censorship—it’s a reflection of our collective fears and traumas. If we want to change the world, we have to start with ourselves.

When you detoxify yourself of fear and align with truth, you contribute to a ripple effect that spreads outward. One person at a time, we can create extraordinary individual lives. And when enough of us do this, we’ll see the world transform.

Trust the Process

If you’re feeling stuck, I want you to know this: you’re closer than you think. The solutions you’re looking for are already in motion. Your only job is to stay open, trust the process, and take inspired action when it comes.

Remember, you don’t have to hustle or grind your way to success. Relax, enjoy your life, and align with your vision. The rest will fall into place.

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