Episode 068 – God is Making A Way For You


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

Let’s talk about those times when life just feels…stuck. We’ve all been there, right? When everything you try seems to backfire or just doesn’t go anywhere. You’re working hard, pouring your heart and soul into something, yet you feel like you’re spinning your wheels. Maybe it’s that mountain of debt that doesn’t seem to budge, that stubborn health issue, a relationship that just won’t work, or a business that’s struggling to get off the ground. In moments like these, it’s easy to feel hopeless, like there’s no way forward.

I know what that feels like. I’ve been there, and I’ve learned that sometimes our biggest mistake is thinking we need to find a way ourselves. We focus so hard on trying to make things happen, thinking if we just push harder, we’ll break through. But what if our job isn’t to do it all on our own? What if our role is to dream, to imagine, and to desire—and then allow something greater to make a way for us? Let me share what I mean by “the way maker” and why this shift has been a game-changer in my life.

Trying Harder Isn’t Always the Answer

When we hit walls, our natural instinct is to double down. We go from one strategy to another, desperately searching for the solution that’s going to work. Maybe you’ve even thought, “This works for other people; why isn’t it working for me?” That frustration, that sense of inadequacy, it creeps in. We end up feeling like we’re somehow failing at life because nothing seems to be going our way. I know this feeling because I’ve been there. I’ve gone from one approach to the next, putting all my energy into trying to fix the problem, only to end up exhausted and even more stuck than before.

I remember a time in my life where I was dealing with some chronic health challenges. I went from one doctor to another, from one treatment plan to the next. I’d think, “This is the one, this has to work.” But none of it did. I tried everything I could think of, and still, I wasn’t getting the results I hoped for. It felt unfair and frustrating. But the truth? I was so focused on my own plans, my own attempts to solve it, that I wasn’t open to other possibilities. I wasn’t letting go enough to let something bigger take over.

We get so caught up in thinking it has to happen a certain way—that we have to be the one to solve it ourselves—that we miss the small signs, the whispers, the synchronicities that are actually there to guide us. I’ve come to realize that God is the way maker. When I let go of my need to control, that’s when the way really starts to open up. But it’s not easy to surrender, especially when it feels like nothing is working.

God’s Path Might Not Look Like What You Expected

One thing I’ve learned is that God doesn’t always deliver our dreams in the ways we expect. We often want things to come to us in a familiar way, something we recognize. But sometimes, the path we’re looking for is actually outside of what we know or what we’re comfortable with. I think of times in my own life when I was pushing so hard for a specific outcome, only to end up feeling blocked. I wanted my success or my solutions to look like what I’d seen work for others. And it just didn’t.

It’s like when I’d been single for nearly a decade. I’d tried everything—dating, meeting new people, trying to find someone who’d fit this vision I had of my future partner. Nothing seemed to work. Then, one day, I made a decision: I wanted to meet a beautiful Colombian woman and make her my wife. It seemed like a wild, random thought, but I put it out there as a wish, a desire. And then, two weeks later, through a totally unexpected series of events, I met the woman who would eventually become my wife. It didn’t happen in any of the ways I’d tried to plan. It happened in a way I could never have controlled, through what I can only describe as God’s way. That’s when I realized: God is always making a way, even when we can’t see it.

Are You Blocking Your Own Miracle?

Here’s the thing: sometimes, we’re blocking our own miracles without even realizing it. We get so locked into a specific path, so intent on how things “should” work out, that we don’t notice the doors opening in other areas. I know that for me, I’ve often been my own worst enemy in this way. I’d get fixated on one route and get frustrated when it didn’t go as planned, thinking, “This is how it has to happen!” But that’s not how life, or the way maker, works.

When I stopped forcing things, new paths started to show up. I’d start noticing little “coincidences” or people who seemed to come into my life at just the right time. And it wasn’t a coincidence. I believe that was God, the universe, responding to the desires I had—just not in the ways I’d imagined. It’s amazing how, when we get out of our own way, the miracles that have been there all along become visible.

Why Constantly Checking Won’t Speed Things Up

Another big lesson I’ve learned? Letting go of the obsession to check on progress all the time. We place our desires, we put in our orders with the universe, and then what do we do? We “check” on them constantly, as if obsessing over it is going to make it happen faster. It’s like being at a restaurant, ordering your meal, and then stopping the waiter every few seconds to ask, “Is it coming yet?” We wouldn’t do this in a restaurant, but in life, we do it all the time, don’t we?

I had a friend who was obsessed with checking his stock portfolio. Twenty, thirty, forty times a day, he’d check it, feeling the highs and lows with every shift. He was miserable because his life became a rollercoaster of emotions, all tied to something he couldn’t control. And honestly, when we do that—whether it’s checking our progress on a goal, constantly worrying about our dream coming true, or obsessing over a problem—we’re making ourselves miserable. There’s a better way. When we place our trust in something bigger, we have to let it go. Letting go doesn’t mean giving up; it means trusting that the way maker is doing the work behind the scenes.

Embracing Challenges as a Part of the Journey

One of the most powerful shifts I’ve made in my life is learning to see challenges not as obstacles but as essential parts of my journey. I used to think, “Why me?” when things got tough. But I’ve come to realize that every struggle, every tough moment, is there for a reason. Those moments are what shape us. They help us grow, make us stronger, and even redirect us when we’re on the wrong path.

My health challenges pushed me to lean deeper into faith than anything else. My struggles with addiction taught me to let go and trust something beyond myself. Every challenge I faced was by design, and each one has contributed to who I am today. It’s easy to get frustrated, to feel like life is against us. But when you can look at your challenges as part of a bigger picture, something changes. You start to understand that those roadblocks aren’t there to stop you; they’re there to guide you.

Stop Hustling, Start Listening

In our culture, we glorify hustle. We’re told that if we just work harder, push longer, we’ll achieve what we want. But let me tell you, there’s a whole other side to success. It’s about knowing when to pause, when to listen. We get so wrapped up in activity, constantly pushing, grinding, that we don’t allow the space for answers to come through.

I used to be that person, always going, always pushing. But there were times when I’d get so caught up that I couldn’t hear my own intuition. The answers I needed were right there, but I was too busy hustling to notice them. Now, I make it a practice to slow down, to pause, to listen. God, the universe, the way maker—it’s always there, guiding us, but we have to be willing to stop and listen.

Miracles in the Everyday

One of the greatest shifts we can make is to start seeing the miracles already in our lives. We often focus on the things we want so much that we overlook what we already have. Our loved ones, our health, even the small moments of joy we find throughout the day—these are all reminders that the way maker is already at work in our lives.

If you’re waiting on a miracle right now, don’t lose sight of the miracles you already have. Look around. Notice the things that were once dreams themselves. Let the gratitude for those things remind you that you’re already blessed, already taken care of. It’s a shift that can bring peace, no matter where you are on your journey.

Trusting the Path, Even When You Can’t See It

I won’t pretend that letting go and trusting is easy. It’s one of the hardest things we can do. It requires faith, patience, and a willingness to believe that, even when things seem to be going wrong, they’re actually going right. But here’s the truth: the road ahead may not always be clear, but it is being paved. You’re not alone on this journey. And whatever it is you’re hoping for, your way is being made. It may not look like what you expected, it may not happen the way you planned, but it’s coming. When you stop checking, stop obsessing, and start living, you make room for that miracle to find you.

So, go out there, enjoy the blessings that are already here, and trust that the way maker is at work. You don’t need to force it or make it happen on your own. Just let go, and let the miracle unfold.

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