Episode 060 – How To Unlock Your Genius: 3 Simple But Powerful Steps


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

I want to talk to you about something that’s been on my mind, something that I believe with every fiber of my being: You are destined for greatness. I’m not just saying that to pump you up or to sound motivational. I’m here to give you a real, actionable structure to unlock that greatness, that inner badass I know is inside of you.

You might be sitting there thinking, “David, you don’t know my story. You don’t know what I’ve been through.” Maybe you’re struggling right now. Maybe you’re broke, sick, or battling addiction. Maybe you’ve been the opposite of great for so long that you’ve forgotten what it even feels like to be on top. And you know what? You’re right. I don’t know your story. But here’s what I do know: If you’re reading this, it’s because this message is for you. This is a sign, a nudge from the universe that your greatness is waiting to be unlocked.

The Power of Pressure

Let’s talk about pressure for a second. I want you to think about the kind of pressure you’ve been feeling. Maybe it’s financial insecurity that’s been keeping you up at night, or the stress of a chronic health condition that just won’t go away. Maybe you’re in a relationship that’s full of friction, or you’re struggling to find that soulmate you’ve been longing for. Whatever it is, that pressure isn’t here to break you. It’s here to mold you.

Pressure is what turns carbon into diamonds. Think about that for a minute. Under extreme heat and pressure, carbon atoms rearrange themselves into this incredibly hard, transparent, and valuable form—a diamond. And while it takes millions or even billions of years for this transformation to happen in nature, the good news is that your transformation doesn’t have to take nearly as long. The pressure you’re feeling is the very thing that’s going to activate your greatness.

Now, I know you’ve been through a lot. You’ve been handling pressure, fear, stress, anxiety, and overwhelm for a long time. But here’s the thing: You’re still here. You’re still standing. And that means you’ve developed a resilience that is crucial to unlocking your inner badass. Whether you know your purpose right now or you’re still searching for it, that resilience is what’s going to carry you through.

From Rock Bottom to the Top

I want to share something personal with you. It wasn’t that long ago that I was struggling just like you. I was addicted to drugs, alcohol, and pornography. My bank account was almost empty, I had two homes in foreclosure, and my business was on the verge of collapse. I was at rock bottom, and I felt like there was no way out.

But here’s the thing: Over the last decade, I’ve applied the very principles I’m sharing with you, and they’ve transformed my life. One day at a time, I climbed out of that hole. Is my life perfect now? Absolutely not. Do I still struggle? You bet. But I’ve got the tools to get back on track, to make progress in my life—spiritually, financially, in my relationships, and toward my purpose. Today, I’m married to the woman of my dreams, I have a beautiful son, I live in the home I always dreamed of, and I’m impacting hundreds of thousands of lives. And you know what? You have that version of your dream life inside of you too.

The Wound is the Way

You might be thinking, “David, I’ve been feeling pressure for so long. I don’t know if I can take it anymore.” I get it. But I want you to know that we grow through pressure. That pressure you’re feeling? It’s not just random. It’s the very thing that’s going to push you to grow, to expand, to evolve.

There’s this idea that “the wound is the way.” All those things you’re judging yourself for right now—the mistakes, the failures, the pain—that’s the pressure that’s turning you into a diamond. When I look back on my life, I see a clear, intelligent architecture to it. The suffering I went through? It was necessary. It was the very thing that allowed me to help others, to share transformational tools and frameworks that have changed lives.

So don’t use your challenges as evidence that you’re not destined for greatness. Use them as proof that you are. If you’re struggling, if you’re going through hard times, that’s a sign that you’re on your path to greatness. No one ever achieved greatness without struggle. If you study the lives of any great person, you’ll find they all went through tough times—self-doubt, comparison, long periods of what seemed like failure. But those times were necessary for who they were becoming.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Now, let’s talk about one of the biggest things that might be holding you back right now: comparison. We’ve all been there. You look around and see other people who seem to have it all together, who are more successful, more accomplished, better than you in every way. And it sucks. But here’s the truth: You need to stop comparing yourself to people you think are bigger or better than you.

I was really fortunate to spend a year in Tony Robbins’ Platinum Partner Program back in 2015. I built amazing relationships, learned so much, and even got to spend some time with Tony himself. One day, out of nowhere, Tony turned to me and said, “You need to stop comparing yourself to people that you think are bigger or better than you. The power, the life, the genius—it’s inside of you. Simply trust that and stop paying attention to all the rest of it.” That hit me like a ton of bricks, and it’s a message I want to pass on to you.

The moment you start comparing yourself to others, you start losing focus on your own greatness. Your purpose, your vision, your genius—it’s like a street cat. It comes to you slowly, cautiously, and if you move too quickly or compare it to others, it skitters away. Don’t let that happen. Trust in your own unique journey.

The Low Bar of Comparison

Here’s something else to consider: A lot of the people you’re comparing yourself to aren’t even that good. I know that sounds harsh, but it’s true. I was talking to my book agent recently, and we got on the topic of podcasts. I mentioned two people who are in the top 50 of all podcasts, and honestly? They’re not that good. They’re just consistent. They keep showing up, and that’s why they’re winning.

Chris Williamson from Modern Wisdom said something that really stuck with me: “95% of people give up before recording their 21st podcast.” And Alex Hormozi, who he was interviewing, said, “It’s so easy to win. All you’ve got to do is show up.” So stop thinking other people are so much better than you. The bar is actually really low. You don’t have to be perfect. You just have to start and keep going.

Now, I’m not bashing anyone. There are great people out there doing amazing things. But the space is big. There are 7 billion people on this planet, and a small fraction of them need what you have to offer. Whether it’s through business, art, philanthropy, or education, there’s a place for your unique genius. So stop comparing yourself to others and start focusing on what you can bring to the table.

The Illusion of Perfection

Let’s take it a step further. Not only are many of the people you’re comparing yourself to not that good, but some of them aren’t even being honest. They’re faking it until they make it, and you’re comparing yourself to an illusion.

For example, Jay Shetty came on the scene fast, gaining popularity with his Facebook videos and appearances on shows like Ellen, where he talked about being a monk. But then it came out that maybe he wasn’t a monk, and some of the quotes he was sharing weren’t even his. Now, I’m not here to bash Jay Shetty. He’s helped a lot of people, but the point is, you shouldn’t compare yourself to someone who isn’t being fully authentic. You don’t need to have a perfect backstory or a flawless life to be great. Your story, with all its messiness and imperfection, is powerful just as it is.

Relax and Let Go

So now that you know this, what’s next? How do you start unlocking your greatness? One of the most important things you can do is to relax. I know, it sounds counterintuitive. You’re probably thinking, “David, you just told me I’m destined for greatness, and now you want me to relax?” Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, in his documentary series and his six success principles, talks about the importance of relaxing. He says, “You have to stop trying so hard.” When you’re constantly pushing, you create resistance. But when you relax, you open yourself up to inspiration, to clarity, and to the coincidences that life has in store for you.

One of the principles I teach is that desire plus non-resistance equals desired results. When you have a desire and remove resistance—whether that’s limiting beliefs, negative emotions, or unprocessed trauma—you allow life to work with you. Synchronicities start to appear, guiding you toward your goals. It’s like the universe is conspiring to help you, but you have to get out of your own way.

The Importance of Connection

Another key to unlocking your greatness is connection. No one does this alone. Arnold mentioned that there’s no such thing as a self-made man, and he’s right. Throughout my journey, I’ve been supported by coaches, mentors, friends, and even the people I listen to during tough times. This isn’t a solo mission. It’s a collective effort.

Find communities that resonate with you, surround yourself with people who inspire you, and engage in conversations that elevate your thinking. This collective energy will propel you forward, helping you unlock the greatness that’s been inside you all along.

Sculpting Your Masterpiece

Right now, you might feel like a raw block of clay. But remember, a sculptor doesn’t add more clay to create a masterpiece. Instead, they chip away at what doesn’t belong, revealing the beauty within. Your greatness is already inside you. It’s not about adding more skills, accolades, or achievements. It’s about letting go of what doesn’t belong—doubt, comparison, fear—and allowing your true self to shine.

As you move forward, remember to relax, trust the process, and know that every challenge is part of your unique path to greatness. You’re exactly where you need to be, and your masterpiece is already taking shape. So take a deep breath, let go of the pressure, and watch as your greatness unfolds.

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One Comment

  • Ruth says:

    Hi David So glad I found you and I’m sharing your amazingness with others here in Sydney! I”ve just signed up to the Mind Hack Program which I”m super excited about too. There are two things I”d love to hear your thoughts on in a podcast – regrets and anger. There are some I”m just finding so hard to let go. I kind of know what you will say – that they were part of my life’s trajectory and meant to happen to bring me to where I am today so it can ignite the conscious decision to change, grow and excel. I understand that so well intellectually but I’m struggling with it emotionally and I’m aware – now more than ever – that there are a whole lot of limited belief patterns around it. The other one is an interesting one and I think others might also be wondering about it too – when your external reality actually starts to change as a result of the work you’ve done – how do you deal with it? You’d think it would be easy to just adapt but somehow it isn’t! I’ve been working consistently hard on my mindset for the past month and my reality is starting to change – a lot – which is just incredible but I’m freaking out. Its so exciting but its also so daunting and so scary and I find myself going back to default mindset because its safe. Almost like I poked my head out of a door, saw all this money coming at me and slammed it shut as fast as I could and hid under the bed where it couldn’t find me! I feel like I”m floundering a bit as I want it to continue, I want to let it in and embrace the life I’ve asked for but OMG I’m so scared! Love to know your thoughts on this one too. Thanks again for all the inspiration. Best wishes, Ruth