Episode 059 – The Ultimate No-Nonsense Guide To How Thoughts Become Things And Creating Your Own Reality


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

I want to talk about something today that could quite literally change your life: the power of your thoughts. You’ve probably heard of the Law of Attraction, how your thoughts can shape your reality. But here’s the thing—most people who study the Law of Attraction aren’t getting the results they want. They might even be more frustrated than before. I know, because I was there too. Over the past ten years, I’ve gone from being financially strapped and struggling with addiction to building a $30 million transformational coaching company. The truth is, there’s more to creating the life of your dreams than just thinking positive thoughts. Let’s dive into how it really works.

Understanding the Cycle: Your Thoughts Are Creating Your Reality

Let’s start with a simple truth: your thoughts are creating every aspect of your reality. You’ve probably heard stories like the one about Bill Buckner, the baseball player who let a ground ball go through his legs during the World Series, costing his team the game. What most people don’t know is that 19 days before that infamous play, he actually talked about his worst nightmare being just that—letting the winning run score on a ground ball through his legs. That wasn’t fate; it was a perfect example of how our thoughts and beliefs shape our experiences.

Our thoughts work in two ways. The first is internal—how our thoughts affect us directly. Whatever beliefs you formed early in life, whether it’s about money, self-worth, or trust, they stick with you and shape your thoughts as an adult. Those thoughts create emotions—fear, anxiety, excitement, curiosity—and those emotions drive your actions. When you’re feeling good, you take action from a place of confidence and curiosity, and you’re more likely to create the wealth, health, or relationships you desire. But when your thoughts are rooted in fear or insecurity, you’re more likely to procrastinate, sabotage yourself, or just feel stuck.

Your actions then produce results that reinforce your original beliefs. If you believe you’re not good enough, you might not take the necessary steps to achieve your goals, and when you don’t get the results you want, it only strengthens that belief. This is called a psycho-cybernetic loop, and it’s why so many people feel trapped in the same patterns, unable to break free.

You might be wondering, “How do I know what my core beliefs are?” It’s pretty simple: look at your life. Your current reality is a direct reflection of your most deeply held beliefs. If you’re experiencing financial struggles, relationship challenges, or health issues, there’s a belief at the root of those experiences. And here’s the kicker—these beliefs are usually formed at a very young age, long before we’re even aware of them.

The Science of Vibration: How Your Thoughts Send Signals to the Universe

Now, let’s talk about how this works on a scientific level. Every thought you have activates neurons in your brain, creating an electrical signal that travels through your nervous system. You’re essentially an electrical, vibrational being. Your thoughts generate emotions, which are also electrical impulses, and this creates a vibration that you’re constantly putting out into the world.

We live in a vibrational reality. Everything seems separate and physical, but science shows us that when we look closely at the physical world, it’s mostly empty space filled with energy. Our senses—sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell—are just interpreting energy, turning it into a physical experience. This means that the quality of your thoughts determines the vibration you’re putting out, and that vibration is constantly interacting with the world around you.

Think of it this way: you’re like a radio tower, constantly broadcasting signals. The thoughts you think send out specific frequencies, and those frequencies attract similar energies back to you. If you’re constantly thinking thoughts like “I’m not good enough,” “I don’t have enough money,” or “I’m not capable,” you’re sending out a low-frequency signal that’s going to attract experiences that match that frequency. On the other hand, if your thoughts are empowering—“I am worthy,” “I have more than enough,” “I can do this”—you’re sending out a high-frequency signal that will bring similar high-frequency experiences into your life.

But here’s the tricky part: most of us aren’t aware of the thoughts we’re thinking most of the time. Research shows that we have over 60,000 thoughts a day, and the majority of those are the same thoughts we had yesterday, and the day before that. This creates a sort of autopilot mode, where our thoughts are running the show without us even realizing it. And because our thoughts are habitual, they tend to reinforce the same beliefs and produce the same results, day after day.

Breaking Free from the Loop: How to Identify and Transform Limiting Beliefs

So, how do you break free from this cycle? The first step is awareness. You can’t change what you’re not aware of, so the key is to start paying attention to your thoughts and the emotions they create. I know this might sound simple, but it’s incredibly powerful. Start by observing the areas of your life where you’re not getting the results you want. What thoughts and beliefs are underlying those experiences?

For example, if you’re struggling with money, pay attention to the thoughts you have when you think about your finances. Do you feel stressed, anxious, or worried? Those emotions are clues to the underlying beliefs that are creating your financial reality. Maybe you believe that money is hard to make, or that you’re not deserving of wealth. Whatever the belief, it’s important to identify it so you can begin to change it.

But awareness alone isn’t enough—you also need to take action to change those beliefs. This is where the concept of non-resistance comes in. Non-resistance is about letting go of the beliefs that no longer serve you and replacing them with new, empowering ones. It’s not about forcing yourself to think positively, but rather about gently guiding your mind in a new direction.

The Formula for All Creation: Desire Plus Non-Resistance Equals Results

Now, let me share with you a formula that changed everything for me: Desire + Non-Resistance = Desired Result. It’s simple yet profoundly powerful.

We all have desires—whether it’s for financial abundance, health, love, or success. However, most of us also have resistance to these desires, often in the form of limiting beliefs. For example, you might desire wealth, but if you have a deep-seated belief that “money is the root of all evil,” this resistance will block you from achieving financial success.

The key to manifesting your desires is to focus not just on the desire itself but on eliminating the resistance that stands in the way. This means identifying and releasing the thoughts and beliefs that are incongruent with what you want to achieve. When you do this, you align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your desires, and the results will follow.

Think of it like sculpting a masterpiece. The sculptor doesn’t create the masterpiece by adding more clay; instead, they remove the excess clay to reveal the beauty that already exists within. Similarly, by removing the resistance (the excess clay), you reveal the masterpiece of your life that has always been there, waiting to be uncovered.

Here’s the thing: you already have the desire piece down—you know what you want. Your work now is to focus on the non-resistance part. You don’t need to figure out how to achieve your goal; you just need to identify and let go of the resistance that’s in the way. This might sound simple, but it’s actually one of the most challenging parts of the process because our resistance often feels so real, so justified.

Embracing Non-Resistance: The Key to Unlocking Your Full Potential

So, how do you put this into practice? Start by paying attention to the areas of your life that cause you discomfort or dissatisfaction. Notice the thoughts and emotions that arise in these situations—they are clues to the resistance you need to address.

For instance, if you’re struggling in your relationships, notice the thoughts you have when you feel triggered or upset. Those thoughts might reveal beliefs like “I’m not lovable” or “Relationships are hard.” Once you identify these limiting beliefs, you can begin the process of transforming them.

Remember, the formula is simple: Desire + Non-Resistance = Desired Result. If you can just get into the practice of non-resistance, you will consistently and predictably produce the results you want, no matter how big your dreams are or how long you’ve been waiting for them to come true.

The practice of non-resistance is about letting go of the thoughts that don’t serve you and replacing them with new, empowering ones. It’s about shifting your focus from what you don’t want to what you do want. And it’s about trusting the process, knowing that as you release resistance, your desires will naturally come to fruition.

The Power of Persistence: Keep Moving Forward

As you embark on this journey, it’s important to stay patient and persistent. Transformation doesn’t happen overnight, but with consistent effort, you will start to see changes in your reality. Every time you choose to release a limiting belief and embrace a new, empowering thought, you’re moving closer to the life you desire.

In closing, remember that you have the power to create the life you want. Your thoughts are incredibly powerful, and when aligned with your desires, they can manifest extraordinary results. Embrace the process of non-resistance, and watch as your reality transforms before your eyes. You are capable of achieving anything you desire, and the only thing standing in your way is the resistance you have yet to release.

The masterpiece of your life is waiting to be revealed. Start today by noticing the thoughts that don’t serve you, and begin the work of letting them go. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your reality begins to change. As you release resistance and align your thoughts with your desires, you’ll find that life starts to flow with greater ease, and the things you’ve been striving for begin to manifest naturally.

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