Episode 057 – The Ultimate Decision-Making Hack: How To Choose Correctly Every Single Time


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

Today, I want to share something that can completely change the way you make decisions. I’ve received a lot of questions about how to make the right decision when you’re faced with multiple options. You might hear people say, “There’s no right or wrong decision,” but I’m here to tell you that’s not true. I’m going to show you how to ensure that any decision you make ends up being the right one.

The Decision Dilemma: Why We Worry So Much

Decisions are at the heart of change. Whether it’s a career move, a relationship choice, or a business strategy, these decisions determine our destiny. We spend so much time worrying about which decision to make and then stressing about whether we made the right choice. By the end of this conversation, I’ll show you how to make decisions that lead to the outcomes you want and how to eliminate the indecision trap once and for all.

Think about it: the speed and accuracy of your decision-making are crucial in achieving your goals. If we could eliminate all the time spent in indecision and make choices that consistently create the results we desire, we’d become unstoppable. But to do this, we need to understand what contributes to making decisions that produce the results we want.

The Game of Life: Are You Playing It Right?

Let’s zoom out for a second. Many people are playing a game they don’t understand. Imagine being put on a cricket field without knowing the rules. You wouldn’t know what to do, right? That’s how most of us approach decision-making. We’re trying to win a game without understanding how it works.

One powerful distinction I’ve discovered in personal development is this formula: Desire + Non-resistance = Desired Result. This isn’t about luck or hustle. It’s about aligning your desires with a state of non-resistance to consistently produce the results you want.

Desire + Non-resistance: The Secret Formula

Let’s break down this formula. Desire is the genuine wish to achieve something, whether it’s a thriving career, a fulfilling relationship, or a successful business. Non-resistance is the absence of limiting beliefs that hold you back. You can’t desire a fulfilling relationship while believing there are no good people left. You can’t want a promotion while thinking you’re not good enough.

Here’s the truth: whatever you believe will inform what you think. Those thoughts become emotions, and those emotions dictate your actions. The actions you take will determine the results you achieve. If your beliefs align with your desires, you’ll find yourself naturally progressing toward your goals.

Transforming Resistance: Aligning Beliefs and Desires

What does non-resistance mean? It means eliminating those limiting beliefs that create barriers. You can’t want to be in a relationship but believe there are no good ones left out there and expect to produce the desired result. You can’t want a promotion but believe you’re not good enough and expect to succeed.

This isn’t some new-age woo-woo concept. It’s a fundamental understanding of behavioral psychology. Your beliefs shape your thoughts, which influence your emotions, which determine your actions, and ultimately, your results. When your beliefs align with your desires, you are naturally propelled toward your goals.

Rethinking Decision-Making: It’s Not About Right or Wrong

Now, let’s talk about the decision-making process itself. Traditionally, we’re told to gather as much information as possible, list all the pros and cons, and make an intellectual choice. But does that method really help you produce your desired results consistently? Probably not. I’ve made those lists a million times and still found myself frustrated with the outcomes.

Here’s the game-changer: It doesn’t matter which option you choose. What matters is aligning with the decision you make. It’s not about making the right or wrong choice. It’s about making a decision and then aligning your thoughts and emotions with it.

For instance, if you have to choose between pursuing a particular marketing strategy or focusing on online marketing, it doesn’t matter which one you pick. What matters is that you make the decision and then align with it fully. Relax around the decision, knowing that as long as you are in non-resistance, the decision will be the best one you could make.

Aligning with Your Decision: Trust the Process

Aligning with your decisions means trusting that they are the right ones. If you’re going out with someone and can’t decide whether to continue seeing them, it doesn’t matter which option you choose as long as you align with your decision. It’s about lining up your emotions and thoughts in a way that is non-resistant.

When you are in non-resistance, you are in a powerful state of being. It’s about experiencing joy, calm, and alignment. In contrast, resistance puts you in a primal state of being, filled with doubt, worry, and stress. That state of being leads to procrastination and self-sabotage.

The key is to be in non-resistance, allowing life to work with you. Make a decision, make it quickly, and align with it. Surrender the outcome, knowing that if you’re in alignment, the results may not always be what you want, but they will be what you need.

Embracing the Journey: Learning from Every Step

Sometimes, the result you get isn’t what you want, but it’s what you need. Life has a way of giving you the experiences you need to grow. It’s like jumping from one lily pad to another across a stream. Each step gets you closer to where you want to be, even if the path isn’t a straight line.

Reflect on your life. There have been times when the plan didn’t unfold as expected, but eventually, you got where you wanted to be. You made friends, learned new things, and had experiences that enriched your life. It’s important to have a plan, but allow life’s plan to unfold and work with it.

The name of the game is non-resistance. It’s about working with life, not against it. When you encounter resistance, it’s a chance to transform those limiting beliefs and align more closely with your desires.

Decision-Making 2.0: Making Bold Choices

One of my mentors once told me that the key to his success was making decisions quickly and then making those decisions right. He didn’t waste time worrying about whether he made the right choice. Instead, he aligned with his decisions and trusted the process.

I’m encouraging you to do the same. Go out today and make bold decisions. Notice any resistance that comes up, work with it, and align with your decision. Remember, the results you produce might not always be what you want, but they will be what you need.

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