Episode 055 – EVERYBODY Has A Million Dollar Idea Inside Them: Here’s How To Find YOUR$


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

Today, I’m excited to share a message that’s incredibly important to me and hopefully transformative for you: Every single person, including you, has a million-dollar idea inside of them. Yes, I’m talking about you. You have a brilliant idea just waiting to come out, and I’m here to help you access it. Let’s dive into what might be blocking you from this potential and how you can overcome these barriers to achieve financial abundance.

The Hidden Million-Dollar Idea Inside You

Let’s start right at the beginning. There’s a million-dollar idea inside of you. I genuinely believe that everyone has access to financial abundance, not just the lucky or the rich. If you want to be a millionaire, you can be. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have the desire to become one. This isn’t just some motivational talk—it’s grounded in reality.

A few years ago, I was living a completely different life. I had no money in my bank account, two homes in foreclosure, a ton of credit card debt, and a failed business. I felt like everything was falling apart. I’d been alone for a decade, moving from one broken relationship to another. Fast forward to now, and I’m living my dream life. Over the last seven years, my wife and I have built a $30 million coaching and consulting company, delivering transformation to tens of thousands of people.

I share this not to boast but to illustrate a point: there was a million-dollar idea waiting for me, and there’s one waiting for you too. You might think, “Well, I’m not David. I didn’t grow up in Orange County or have the resources he had.” But let me tell you, your circumstances don’t determine your potential. Whether you’re in Nairobi, Thailand, or anywhere else in the world, there’s a million-dollar idea inside you.

Decisions Shape Your Reality

The first step in accessing your million-dollar idea is to decide that it exists within you. That’s right; it starts with a decision. Forget about how long you’ve been living in financial insecurity, your past, or what resources you have. If you have the desire, the idea exists. All ideas already exist in the field or in consciousness.

Think about it: Jeff Bezos didn’t just come up with the idea for Amazon. That idea existed in the realm of possibilities. When you align with the idea itself, it finds its way to you. This is key—dropping the resistance and the stories about why you can’t have what you want is what allows these ideas to materialize.

Buddha said, “The mind is everything; what you think you become.” Gandhi echoed this sentiment. In Romans, it’s written, “Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” These aren’t just nice sayings; they’re truths that can transform your life. When you finish reading this, you should be saying, “I may not know what my million-dollar idea is yet, but I know it’s out there, waiting for me.”

Embrace Your Purpose and Greatness

The next step is understanding that you have a purpose. You’re meant for greatness. Everything you perceive as a setback is actually fuel for your success. People often doubt their purpose, but I assure you, everyone has one. Everything in our universe serves a purpose, from the smallest insect to the vast ecosystems.

Consider this incredible phenomenon: every year, a dust storm rises in Africa, travels across the ocean, and fertilizes the Amazon rainforest. This dust is crucial for the Amazon’s growth and the planet’s oxygen supply. Everything has a role, and so do you. Your million-dollar idea is aligned with your purpose. When you live your purpose, you create extraordinary value in the world.

Your spiritual vision is why you exist in this time and place. It’s how you transform your early life experiences—your traumas, challenges, and failures—into the catalyst for your greatness. These experiences aren’t just obstacles; they’re the seeds of your potential.

Let me tell you about Susie Batiste, founder of Poopery. Here’s a woman who became a billionaire with a product that addresses an everyday problem. On paper, Susie wasn’t a likely candidate for such success. She experienced tremendous trauma and adversity. But as she healed and built a relationship with her higher self, she accessed a billion-dollar idea. Her story is a testament to the power of transformation.

Turning Challenges into Triumphs

The challenges you’ve faced are not just setbacks; they are the foundation for your greatness. Candace Lightner’s story is a powerful example of this. Her teenage daughter was tragically killed by a drunk driver. Out of that pain, she founded Mothers Against Drunk Driving, an organization that has saved countless lives. Candace took her immense grief and turned it into a force for good.

You might not have experienced something as tragic, but whatever you’ve gone through is part of your hero’s journey. Joseph Campbell, a renowned mythologist, talks about the hero’s journey—a universal pattern in stories where the hero faces challenges, learns, and ultimately transforms. You are on your own hero’s journey, and the hardships you face are shaping you into someone capable of extraordinary things.

When I look back at my own life, I see how my challenges became my stepping stones. I grew up in a family with workaholism and codependency issues. There was a lot of criticism and feelings of unworthiness. These experiences formed beliefs in me that I wasn’t good enough, that love was conditional on success. This led me to become a workaholic, seeking validation through achievement.

But this path didn’t lead to happiness. It led to addiction—drugs, alcohol, and unhealthy relationships. My business failed, and my life spiraled out of control. I was forced to confront my reality and begin the process of recovery. Through a 12-step program, I found healing and built a relationship with my higher power. This journey helped me uncover my purpose: to help others transform their lives.

Abundance Is Your Birthright

Now, let’s talk about abundance. It’s crucial to decide that abundance is your birthright. Most people don’t believe this. They think money is hard to make or that wealth requires sacrificing health or relationships. But these beliefs create a mental block that keeps financial prosperity out of reach.

I was conditioned to believe that making money required hard work and sacrifice. My dad was an attorney who worked long hours, and I grew up thinking that success came at the cost of personal well-being. It wasn’t until I shifted my mindset to believe that abundance was my birthright that I started to access my million-dollar idea.

It’s time to break free from the family money blocks that have been passed down through generations. You might have learned about money from people who didn’t understand its true nature. They might have believed in scarcity, not realizing the world is full of opportunities for wealth. But I’m here to tell you that you’ve always had enough, you have enough, and you will always have enough.

Imagination as a Tool for Success

You might be wondering, “How do I access my million-dollar idea if I don’t know what it is?” Here’s where imagination comes into play. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality. When you imagine your future success, you align yourself with that reality.

In 2009, a Harvard study showed that when pianists played the piano, specific parts of their brain lit up. Remarkably, when they merely imagined playing, the same areas activated. Your brain is a powerful tool, and by envisioning your success, you’re building neural pathways that align with that future.

When my wife and I decided to help end human suffering, we didn’t have all the details figured out. There was no book, no podcast, no events—just a vision. But by imagining what success would look like, we aligned our thoughts and actions with that vision. Your imagination can help you build the future you desire.

Removing Resistance to Your Ideas

Accessing your million-dollar idea isn’t about grinding or hustling. It’s about removing the resistance that blocks its natural expression. You can’t access clarity or inspiration if you’re tense. Think about athletes—they perform their best when they’re relaxed. In the same way, you need to release tension to achieve your financial goals.

My story is about removing resistance. The same goes for Susie Batiste and countless others who have found their million-dollar ideas. When you let go of resistance, clarity emerges. You cannot access your million-dollar idea if you’re tense, if you’re constantly in fight or flight mode.

Relaxation is key. The greatest sports performers excel when they’re relaxed. The same principle applies to achieving your financial goals. When you let go of tension and align your thinking with the reality you want to create, you start operating from a place of abundance and creativity instead of fear and scarcity.

Embrace the Shift and Trust the Process

As you align with these new beliefs, life might shift in unexpected ways. You could lose a job or end a relationship. These changes might feel uncomfortable, but they are signs that you’re moving closer to your million-dollar idea. Stay calm and trust the process. Life is always working in the most efficient ways to support your growth and prosperity.

This process of alignment and letting go of resistance is one that every successful person has gone through. Whether it’s me, Thomas Edison, Susie Batiste, or Elon Musk, this is the science of creation. It’s how you activate the million-dollar idea that resides inside you.

I know it’s trying to make its way to you because you’re here, reading this. You’ve been asking for an answer, and here it is: don’t doubt your potential. Don’t doubt that you’re meant for greatness and have a purpose. The challenges you’ve experienced are the mechanism by which you unlock this greatness.

Your Journey to Abundance

In conclusion, accessing your million-dollar idea involves these steps: decide that the idea exists within you, acknowledge your purpose, embrace abundance as your birthright, and use your imagination to build your future reality. By removing resistance and aligning with these principles, you open yourself up to financial prosperity and a fulfilling life.

Remember, your journey to unlocking your million-dollar idea involves making these key decisions. Embrace this journey with confidence and hope. Share these insights with others, and together, let’s create a world where everyone lives in financial abundance and fulfills their purpose. Your million-dollar idea is waiting for you—make the decision today to unlock it.

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One Comment

  • Jacky says:

    Hi David, Such a wonderful podcast. Can I request you to price your kindle edition with price parity in countries outside USA?