Episode 054 – Become The $10 Million Version Of Yourself Right Here, Right Now (3 Step Process)


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

Today, I’m thrilled to talk about how to collapse the gap between where you are today and the future you envision. We will discuss wealth, health, material success, and clarity, and I’ll introduce you to a powerful concept called identity shifting. This is a step-by-step process I recently taught to my private clients, and it has four parts: defining your future vision, identifying who you need to be within that vision, auditing your current thoughts and behaviors, and adopting a simple daily practice to reinforce your future self now.

Discovering the Power of Identity Shifting

Let me start by sharing how I discovered this process. It was during Christmas, while I was running an online challenge with specific goals in mind. Despite applying the best marketing principles and putting in immense effort, the results were far from what I expected. After the campaign closed, I was left feeling confused and devastated. However, amidst the festive preparations and my family’s joy, I realized I was stuck in my head, worrying about the failure and its financial impact.

In a moment of clarity, I thought, “If I had another 10 million in the bank, I wouldn’t be worried.” This led to an internal dialogue where I asked myself how a confident, secure version of me—let’s call him “10 million dollar Dave”—would be thinking, feeling, and acting right now. I realized that this version of myself would be enjoying the moment with my family, appreciating the Christmas carols, and being present. So, I decided to start being “10 million dollar Dave” right then and there, shifting my focus from worry to appreciation.

Clarifying Your Future Vision

The first step in this four-part process is to get absolute clarity on what you want your future to look like. Write down your goals and dreams. Maybe you want to be a best-selling author, run big events, or achieve a significant position in your career. Visualize these goals as already accomplished. Create three columns on a page. In the first column, list all your future goals and dreams.

Next, assume these goals are already complete. In the second column, write down how you would be feeling, what you would be thinking, and what you would be doing if everything you set out to achieve was already accomplished. For example, you wouldn’t be worrying about your finances; you’d feel financially secure and be generous with your money, possibly donating more to philanthropy or starting another business. If you were feeling healthy and vibrant, you’d be exercising, appreciating your body, and not worrying about chronic conditions.

Identifying Your Future Identity

The next step is to identify who you need to be within that vision. Name this future version of yourself. Maybe it’s “Confident Chris” or “Peaceful Patty.” For me, it was “10 million dollar Dave” or “King David.” This identity should embody the qualities and characteristics of your ideal future self. Think about how “King David” or “Queen Carol” would show up in various aspects of life—using social media to share joy and appreciation, being present in the moment, and feeling confident and secure.

Auditing Your Current Self

The third part is to audit your current thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Identify the limiting beliefs and negative habits that are holding you back. These could be feelings of financial insecurity, procrastination, self-sabotage, or comparing yourself to others. Recognize these as the plays you’re currently running, believing they’ll help you achieve your goals, but in reality, they keep you stuck. In the third column, list who you’re being today, including your limiting beliefs and defense mechanisms—whether it’s “Worrisome Dave” or “Overwhelmed David.”

Daily Practice of Being Your Future Self

Finally, adopt a daily practice to reinforce your future self now. This involves choosing to be your future self in the present moment, regardless of your current circumstances. It’s about embodying the qualities of your future self, whether that’s calmness, confidence, generosity, or presence. This practice accelerates your ability to tap into the thoughts, emotions, and actions that will bring your future vision to life.

For example, one of my clients, despite having financial prosperity, realized he was still worried about money. By embodying his “10 million Jared” persona, he started tipping more at restaurants, reflecting his future self’s generosity. How you embody your future self depends on the situation, but the commitment is to start being that future self now. This could mean being present and appreciating your family during the holidays, rather than worrying about work.

Transformative Power of Identity Shifting

The beauty of this process is that it allows you to enjoy your present experience while working towards your future goals. Identity shifting helps you access the thoughts and actions that will create the synchronicities needed to achieve your goals. By being your future self now, you accelerate your path to success. For instance, before I built my coaching company, I had to act like the successful version of myself. This practice gave me access to the ideas and actions that led to my current success.

Embrace Your Future Self Now

Remember, all you have is the present moment. By practicing being your future self now, you align your actions and thoughts with your future goals, making them a reality over time. This practice not only changes your external circumstances but also transforms your present experience, allowing you to enjoy life more fully.

If you practice being your future self now, it accelerates your ability to tap into those thoughts, emotions, actions, and ideas, creating synchronicities that bring your future vision to life. This is one of the key tools I used to build a successful coaching company, attract a large audience, and host impactful events. I started acting like the David who had already achieved these goals, which gave me access to the necessary thoughts and actions to make it happen.

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