Episode 052 – Biden Vs. Trump: My Take On The First Presidential Debate


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

Many of you have asked for my thoughts on recent political events, including the new world order, totalitarian control, and Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s run. I just returned from my annual legendary business event, where a high-level coaching client asked me about the debates. What I’ll share might surprise you. If you’re politically aware, you’ll appreciate this, as I’ll explain why everything we saw was perfect and aligned with creating a better future. I’ll also encourage you to stop judging or criticizing Biden or Trump and show how that negativity works against us all, regardless of political affiliation. Moreover, I’ll share how you can actively influence the election at the highest level.

The Political System: A Rigged Reality

To begin, let’s reflect on the political system’s current state. The two-party structure has made it incredibly challenging for independent candidates to participate. Watching Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s campaign, I’ve realized how difficult it is for a third-party candidate to gain traction. From petitioning challenges to legal warfare, the system is designed to maintain its integrity, often at the cost of broader representation.

During the primaries, the Democratic Party went to great lengths to hinder Kennedy’s campaign. They even adjusted primary dates and regulations to benefit their chosen candidate, Biden. This resistance only perpetuates the issues within the system. It’s like resisting financial insecurity in our own lives—what we resist persists. This principle holds true in politics as well.

The Debate: A Reflection of Our Collective Consciousness

What we saw on the debate stage was a perfect reflection of our current political landscape. It showcased the system’s flaws and, more importantly, highlighted the need for change. The debate wasn’t just about Biden and Trump; it was about the deeper issues we face as a nation.

Think about it. The system is rigged in favor of the two main parties, and this has been increasingly acknowledged across the political spectrum. Yet, instead of getting entangled in judgment and criticism, we need to focus on creating a better future. The debates were a catalyst, inspiring many to realize that the current state of affairs is not what we want.

The Role of Resistance and Persistence

In life, what we resist persists. This concept is crucial to understand. When we resist financial insecurity, health challenges, or relationship issues, we continue to experience them. The same applies to politics. Resisting candidates or parties we dislike only perpetuates their presence. Instead, we should focus on what we do want.

For instance, the Democrats’ resistance to Bobby Kennedy Jr. only made him more persistent. They tried to push him out, but their actions only highlighted the need for a candidate like him. It’s a lesson for us all: focus on creating what you want rather than resisting what you don’t.

Creating a Vision for the Future

Our desires and actions shape our reality. If we want a better political system, we need to get clear on what that looks like. The debates highlighted what many of us don’t want, pushing us to define and work towards what we do want.

We need leaders who act out of love, compassion, and intelligence. We want a government that genuinely cares about the environment, civil liberties, and innovation. By focusing on these positive attributes, we can attract candidates who embody them.

Emotional Sovereignty and Political Change

Emotional sovereignty is about not getting entangled with fear. The debates were a perfect example of what we don’t want, but instead of getting caught up in the negativity, use it as a catalyst for clarity. Focus on the positive attributes you want in leaders and policies.

Donald Trump, for instance, has moved people from hopelessness to anger—a significant emotional leap. While he may not embody the leadership qualities we desire, he plays a role in the broader process of awakening consciousness. Similarly, Biden’s situation reflects the need for compassion and a better system that doesn’t exploit its leaders.

Holding a Vision for Change

To influence the election and the political landscape, we must stop feeding fear into the system. Hold a vision of a better future, one based on love, compassion, and intelligent governance. This approach will naturally attract the right leaders and policies, creating the change we desire.

Remember, every challenge is an opportunity for growth. The current political situation, as frustrating as it may be, is part of a larger, intelligent plan moving us towards a better future. By maintaining a positive vision and focusing on what we want, we contribute to this evolution.

A Call to Action

So, what can you do? Stop getting entangled in the fear and negativity. Focus on holding a vision for the certainty of the goodness of the future. Share this perspective with others who may be caught up in the political turmoil. Together, we can create a system that aligns with our highest values.

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