Episode 048 – Clearing This One Money Block Changed Everything


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

Welcome back to A Changed Mind! I’m David Bayer, your friend and guide, here to remind you of the certainty of good in the future. Today, let’s talk about comparing ourselves to others—a habit that holds us back. I’ll share three powerful distinctions to help you let go of comparing and unlock your full potential.

First, understand that the vision you have for your life isn’t something you’re making up; it’s being given to you. Trust that this vision is meant for you and that it’s possible to achieve it. Second, realize that others’ successes pave the way for your own. They show you what’s possible and make your journey easier. Instead of feeling inadequate, see their achievements as inspiration and proof of what you can also accomplish.

Third, don’t trust everything you see. Social media often presents a polished, exaggerated version of reality. Focus on your path and remember that everyone has their own struggles, even those who seem to have it all figured out. By giving up comparing, you create space for innovation, intuition, and new ideas.

Embrace these distinctions, stop comparing, and watch your life transform. You’re on the right path, and your vision is within reach. Keep going, and I’ll see you in the next episode.

Watch This Episode On YouTube

One Comment

  • Honestly, your 13 minute Meditation has changed my life and I look forward to witnessing the change in my reality unfold shortly. I listen to at least 2x every morning. Honestly with all the meditation I have done, this actually works incredibly.

    And THIS was an amazing listen, wow, as a real estate sales person also in recovery, and this being my biggest challenge, you said it all so straight and bang on. I am excited to see what transpires and what sales come next. I decided to sit on my couch and relax this afternoon. Which is something I do not do enough.

    THANK YOU for all you do ……..

    Leigh x

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