Episode 046 – This Is The Best Explanation Ever!


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

In this episode of “A Changed Mind,” host David Bayer discusses the concept that everything we desire already exists in consciousness. He emphasizes that our ideas and visions are alive and can be materialized into our physical reality through a scientifically-based process.

Bayer aims to convince listeners that they can access and experience their desires in tangible form by following a specific method. He shares his personal journey, highlighting how his visions—such as his podcast, marriage, and business—became reality.

Bayer introduces the idea that all of creation already exists in a quantum field, often referred to as the fourth dimension or the realm of imagination. He explains that our current reality stems from this imaginative space. Bayer argues that our habitual thoughts and emotions, especially those rooted in fear, shape our reality. By changing these thought patterns, we can transform our lives.

He outlines a three-step process to achieve this transformation. First, recognize that your desired future already exists in the quantum field. Second, understand that the ideas and solutions needed to realize this future are also present in this field. Third, relax and avoid resistance. Bayer stresses the importance of aligning thoughts and emotions with the anticipation of the desired future and living in a state of non-resistance.

Bayer also addresses the significance of problems, suggesting they catalyze clarity and focus on our true desires.

He encourages listeners to shift their attention from problems to desires, activating positive potential in the quantum field. By doing so, we can transform our reality and manifest our visions.

Bayer emphasizes the role of personal growth, identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs and traumas to facilitate this process.

He concludes by encouraging listeners to embrace the simplicity of this method, assuring them that they are capable of creating the reality they desire by focusing on their vision and maintaining a relaxed, anticipatory mindset.

Watch This Episode On YouTube