Episode 044 – The Universe Wants You To Hear THIS


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

Today I want to talk to you about why I believe in the certainty of the goodness of the future.  This may be counterculture to everything that you’re seeing right now in the news, on social media, or through independent media – all of which tend to focus on the doom and gloom of economic depression, wars, pandemics, political conspiracy, and negativity in general.  I’m not going to give that a lot of lip service because that’s not the energy of today’s conversation – but it is the motivation for it.

I’m going to be walking you through why I am 100% certain of the goodness of the future, and how metaphysics, behavioral psychology, neuroscience, and consciousness theory all prove that I’m correct.  Because I want you to get aligned with the idea that we live in a friendly universe and that regardless of what’s happening in your individual life, the challenges that you’re having, the problems you’re facing, or the challenges that you see collectively occurring in the world – we are on a path to betterness. We are on a path to goodness.  If you can get aligned with that idea, realizing that your brain is a goal-achieving machine and what you believe dictates your reality – I can all but guarantee you will experience a more powerful living experience.

Stop Paying Attention To The Problem

Here’s the truth: nothing that’s going on in the world that you might hear about through the media (and I mean nothing) has an impact on your life – unless you allow it to. Your life is a creation of what you put your attention, energy, and focus on.  If I were coaching you and you told me you had financial struggles, I’d tell you that we’re going to stop paying attention to them in favor of paying more attention to your desires and the path to prosperity – because wherever you put your attention is where you are creating.  In other words, whatever you make matter materializes and becomes matter in the physical form and your experience of reality.

The real reason most people struggle to create meaningful changes in their lives is because they become so fixated on the problem.  But the role of the problem itself is to help us get clear on what it is we do want – aka our desires – which then gets broadcasted into consciousness/intelligence/the superorganism of the universe and begins to organize synchronicities and coincidences to support us in materializing the desire.

Simultaneously, when we’re clear on what we do want, we begin to have thoughts and ideas that we pursue and take action upon.  And when the two meet, meaning us and the coincidences, we produce the desired result.  This is math.  If you just relax into it, 100% of the time you will create the result you want.

The challenge is that we allow fear to get in the way.  But fear is what created the problem in the first place.  Whereas first principles rules tell us that if we want to solve a problem, we can’t do it from the same level of thinking that created it in the first place.  We solve our problems by focusing on the desire that the problem catalyzes and then the solution or the “how” emerges from that focus and from that frequency.

An Abundance Of Abundance 

Now, let’s get back to why I believe in the certainty of the goodness of the future – and why you should too.  For starters, the world is awash with more money and financial resources than ever in history.  It’s not just that there’s more currency in circulation, but now we’ve got cryptocurrency that’s giving so many people the opportunity to create financial freedom and wealth.  Combine that with real estate, starting a business, leveraging life insurance policies, investing in stocks or gold – there are more forms of currency and asset value than ever before.

It’s the same thing with relationships – there are more people on this planet than ever before, which also means there are more consciously awakened individuals than ever before.  So it’s silly to think that you’ll never be able to find your soulmate, that all the good ones are taken, or that you’ll never find your tribe of like-minded people (you’re here in this community after all, so you’ve found them ;). 

The same goes with health – there is more well-being physically than ever before.  We’ve got more access to healthcare, traditional medicine, functional medicine, holistic health, plant technology, and organic food.  We all have access to better nutrition, health, and healing than there has ever been.

So why do I believe in the certainty of the goodness of the future?  Simple – because there’s more abundance, prosperity, and resources than ever.  That’s not what the proverbial “they” are telling you – they’re saying that there are more problems than ever before.  So we all have a choice: feed into the doom, gloom, and fear and allow the goal-achieving mechanism of our brains to focus on our survival instincts, or align ourselves with the truth – that there is more abundance than ever and all we have to do is focus on our desires of accessing it.

The Great Detoxification

There is a great detoxification taking place in the world, just like you’ve probably had a great detoxification going on in your life.  The old is leaving and what’s coming is going.  The trauma and the limiting beliefs you’ve experienced are working their way out through the expression of the challenges in your life.  They’re doing their job and you’re doing their job. You transform and, as you transform, your life transforms. 

The problems in your life have brought you to the solution of being here and being receptive to new information, and other solutions will continue to emerge until you learn how to take control of your nervous system and ignore the fear-based patterns of thought that you’ve been conditioned into.  The more you do this, the more you break the old habits and begin to form new ones.

Over time, the fear begins to lessen and you start having more thoughts of faith, excitement, joy, imagination, relaxation, and innovation.  This is when you begin stepping into the fullest expression of who you really are in the world.  That’s our individual journey, but what’s happening collectively is everybody’s kind of going through this and there’s this massive detoxification taking place.  More and more people are waking up to the fact that the systems, structures, and levels of thinking that have been the norm for so long need to unwind and evolve.

Life has brought all this “bad” stuff to so much of our attention – but what do we do about it?  In my opinion, we should stop paying attention to it.  Use it as an opportunity to get clear on what you do want – in your life and collectively for the world – and focus your energy and attention on that.  That’s how you can step into being the most powerful creator possible in your life.  That’s how you can shape and sculpt the future as a consciously awakened individual.

The real “work” here is to tune out from anything that’s not aligned with the vision you have for your life.  Don’t have conversations with people who are committed to fear.  Love them, yes.  But don’t allow that vibration to tap into your commitment to the frequency of well-being and goodness.

Does this mean we don’t need to take action to address certain problems?  No.  Use your observation of these problems to focus your energy and attention on things that you want as a result of them, which is always the opposite of the problem.  None of us want to destroy the planet – we want to live in harmony on the planet.  We don’t want to have manipulation from our government – we want to have a noble government.  We don’t want to have censorship – we want to have freedom of expression.  We don’t want to be surveilled – we want to have privacy.

The more we can hold onto that vision, the more likely we are to produce the thoughts and ideas that we can then take action upon which result in us becoming a part of the solution we want to see made.  But it’s going to come from a powerful state of being.  It’s going to come from faith, not fear.

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