Episode 043 – The Science of Synchronicity: How to Make Miracles on Demand


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

Have you ever experienced a miracle in your life? Maybe it was just some small coincidence – you thought about a friend who you hold dearly and they ended up calling. Or maybe it was something a little bit bigger – you had a desire for some more money and it miraculously showed up. Maybe it’s an even bigger miracle than that –  you had a diagnosis that you didn’t want, but somehow miraculously you found a way to overcome it. 

Today I’m going to talk to you about the science behind miracles – neuroscience, behavioral psychology, the metaphysics – so that you can better understand how you’ve been responsible for creating miracles in the past and how you can follow a step by step process to replicate the creation of more miracles in your life on an ongoing basis.

Miracles…An Everyday Occurrence?

I believe that you co-create miracles with an intelligence that permeates all of reality. Some people call it the universe or the unified field or God or Jesus or Allah – it doesn’t matter what you call it. The fact of the matter is that there’s a corresponding nature to life and what we think materializes into our life – thoughts become things.

If we hold a vision and a dream long enough, not only does the vision and the dream unfold for us, but the way it unfolds is what makes it a miracle. We never could have planned or predicted the way it occurred and it surprises us in a way that brings joy, faith, curiosity, and excitement about the future. And the truth is, these miracles are meant to be everyday occurrences.  The problem most people have is that there’s something specific that you’re doing that is blocking you from experiencing them on a more regular basis.

My Introduction To Making Miracles Every Day

I’ve experienced many miracles in my life, but there was one in particular that committed me to this idea that there’s a power greater than me that I’m operating in coordination with and got me curious in terms of understanding how these miracles materialize. This was about a decade ago, right when I was starting my coaching business, and I knew that one of the things that I wanted to do was to become a speaker.  At the time, my inner dialogue was so poor that I would replace that inner critic every single morning, by listening to the voices of other really powerful people. One of those people was Les Brown.

When I decided that I wanted to start sharing my message, and I knew I wanted to be able to do it in part from the stage, I got online and looked to see if Les Brown conducts speaker trainings. So I went to his website, only to find that his calendar of events was totally blank.  About three weeks later, for whatever reason, I was sitting in my home office and I just had this inclination to go and check again. Lo and behold,  there was an upcoming speaker training event in Fort Lauderdale, Florida with Les Brown for two days.

So Carol and I packed up our 11-year-old Chihuahua, Dexter, and made the trip from Orlando to Fort Lauderdale so I could attend this training with a man I consider to be one of the greatest speakers of all time.  On the first day, Les tells a story about how he had a girlfriend break up with him moments before he walked on stage to give what was supposed to be an empowering and motivational presentation.  He ends that story by sharing that at the end of that particular day, he went back to his hotel room and grabbed Gideon’s bible from the nightstand to get some guidance on navigating through the heartbreak he was experiencing at the time.

The next morning, despite the “high” I’d experienced from watching Les present on stage, I woke up with the stress and overwhelm that was typical for me at the time.  Now I’m a religious person, but maybe it was Les referencing Gideon’s Bible in his previous day’s story that compelled me to sneak out of bed and go to the bathroom to look up a daily Bible verse to snap me out of my funk.  I don’t remember what Bible verse came up that day, but it spoke specifically to the fears and worries that I was experiencing that morning. 

The next day was another awesome day watching Les present, but the following morning was another typical morning of waking up full of stress and overwhelm.  So I tried the Bible thing again, only this time I couldn’t find anything helpful.  I went through about 8 search results looking for something that would inspire me but found nothing.  I can remember thinking how nice it would be to have a resource where you could find a corresponding Bible verse to uplift your spirits depending on how you’re feeling that day.

Coincidence vs. The Coordination of Infinite Intelligence

On the morning we left the speaker training, Carol decided we should take a different route back to Orlando up the west coast of Florida.  I remember pulling off the highway at exit 33 because Carol had to use the restroom and then hearing a loud BOOM – we got a flat tire.  Admittedly, I had never changed a tire in my life so, after some convincing from Carol, I decided to admit defeat in the situation and call AAA.

Next thing I know, an older gentleman pumping his gas starts approaching me.  He asked me if I needed any help with my tire, but I politely declined as I had AAA on the way.  He goes on to tell me a story about a time when he and his wife were younger and the alternator blew out on their vehicle.  At the time, an alternator was about $50, which they didn’t have.  He told me a kind couple gave him and his wife the fifty bucks so they could get back on the road and he wanted to pay it forward by offering to help Carol and I with our tire.

This man starts walking away, but after he gets about 10 feet he turns around and asks me if I own a Gideon’s Bible.  This question gave me the chills.  All of a sudden, I realized I was in the midst of experiencing this magical moment.  I told him I didn’t own one, so he walked back to his car and returned with two pocket-sized Gideon’s Bibles.  One had a turtle shell cover, and the other was baby blue, which he told me I could give to Carol.

This man asked me if I knew how Gideon’s Bible works.  I told him I didn’t really.  He told me about the table of contents, and how you can find whatever you’re going through – stress, anxiety, overwhelm – and find a corresponding Bible passage that speaks directly to the emotional challenges you’re experiencing to help uplift your spirits.  My jaw dropped and I said “Oh my God” – this man responded with “That’s right! That’s who He is.”

I told him what an extraordinary gift this was and finally asked this man his name.  He told me his name was Harold Woodall from Plant City, Florida.  He told me that in his old age, he came to realize that you never know who you’re going to run into and what an extraordinary gift that interaction might turn out to be.

The 3 Steps To Make More Miracles In Your Life 

Let’s recap what happened here.  I go to a Les Brown speaker training; he tells the story of finding a Gideon’s Bible on a hotel nightstand; I have this experience of trying to find uplifting Bible verses with no luck; we take an alternate route back to Orlando; we get a flat tire; a retired veteran approaches me; this man (Harold) hands me the exact tool that I wish had existed but didn’t know about.

There are a couple of principles here at work and you need to understand them if you want to be able to experience more miracles in your life – because there is a science to this.  The first step to the miracle-making process is to have a desire – know what you want. That doesn’t mean that you have to focus every day on what you want, like a lot of personal development teaches you to ingrain it into your brain, do incantations or affirmations, or jump up and down to put yourself into a different state.

You just need to know what you want. Also realize that we’re placing orders for the things we want all the time, whether we’re aware of it or not.  On that particular morning, I had a desire for something like Gideon’s Bible to exist, not knowing it already did.  I placed the order.  But even when we’re experiencing things that we don’t want, what’s happening at an unconscious level is we’re getting clear on what we do want. 

This is important to understand. You’ve already placed the order.  We’ve all placed thousands of these desires and they’ve already been recognized by the Universe.  Step two is simply realizing that all of life begins to organize to fulfill on the desire.  If you take a look at the story I’ve shared, these seemingly coincidental occurrences all had to line up for this man to gift me with those Gideon’s Bibles – from looking at Les Brown’s calendar of events to getting a flat tire on an alternate route to Orlando.

If that doesn’t convince you that there is an external coordination of intelligence taking place all the time, architecting responses to your desires, you’ll probably never be convinced.  Now, step three comes back to the master equation that I’ve referenced many times – Desire + Non-Resistance = Desired Outcome – and involves not paying attention to the thing you want after you’ve placed your order via the mechanism of desire.  Just forget about it.  Keep going about your day.

Why ignore it?  Because we have a tendency to focus on the lack of our desired outcome, which results in a misalignment of our thoughts, emotions, and actions and creates resistance to its materialization.  This is how the brain works – we become entangled with the problem versus allowing for the solution.  But if you have a desire and realize that all of life is now reorganizing on your behalf to fulfill the desire and you’re in non-resistance – you can start experiencing more miracles.

If you look at this process,  it’s important to understand that you play a critical role in the materialization of miracles in your own life.  The problem most people face is that they check in too soon.  You have a desire for more money, a healthier relationship, or better health and when it’s not here tomorrow, you move back into resistance.  But we can’t materialize our desires with more hustle, more time, or more money.  

The key is to relax a little bit and trust that life is doing something to work toward your greatest growth, prosperity, and abundance.  I heard someone once say that even giving it the name of a miracle is misleading. The only reason why we call it a miracle is because it happens infrequently. The only reason that it happens infrequently is because we just get too focused on the absence of the thing that we want in our life.  But if we can simply place our orders, have our desires, and go on living our lives – more miracles will inevitably start showing up for us.

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