Episode 018 – EVERYTHING Is Possible: How Ideas Become Activated In Consciousness


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

I’ve talked fairly extensively about the concept that “thoughts become things” that materialize into our physical reality.  I’ve also shared that what we think is largely influenced by the beliefs we have – beliefs that are mostly formed at an early age as our prefrontal cortex is still developing as we begin giving meaning to the experiences we have in our lives.  But there’s a “missing piece” that exists between our beliefs and our thoughts.  After all, thoughts generally have some kind of subject matter to them, right?  They’re made up of ideas.  But where do those ideas come from?  Do we think of them freely?  Are they uniquely ours?  These are the questions I’m going to answer here today.

All Ideas Exist In Consciousness

Let’s start there – all ideas exist in consciousness.  But what is consciousness?  You can imagine consciousness as this three-dimensional, energetic matrix, or scaffolding, that holds all of reality together.  If you’re a fan of Star Wars, consciousness is “The Force” – an energetic field created by life that binds the galaxy together.  In Buddhism, it’s described as a great shining body of radiance that has no beginning and no end.  Other New Age schools of thought would say that consciousness is God, Allah, or Spirit itself that transmits through all of us.

Consciousness exists both all around us and within us – we are all individual reflections of this single, great, Infinite Intelligence.  So in a sense, consciousness is all that there is, and our brains act as conduits for consciousness with the ability to tune into different thoughts and ideas.  That means when we experience intuition or inspiration and we have that spark of a new idea, we’re picking up that idea almost like a radio receiver.  If you’re on board with this and with me so far, the argument stands that all ideas and all thoughts exist in consciousness already. 

What happens over time is that our beliefs energetically activate these ideas that have been waiting in consciousness to materialize in what we experience as reality.  For example, if you’ve long held the belief that money is hard to make, which many people (especially Americans) do, you’re activating the neural networks in your brain to pick up these dormant ideas that are just floating around in consciousness that are aligned with that belief.  

That idea could be that a bunch of very wealthy, powerful people could buy up the residential housing market as a smart capital investment for them, which would prevent you from being able to pay your rent or mortgage or ever being able to afford a home.  Whether or not that idea becomes active and materializes or not depends on this vibrational frequency that we’re putting out.  So if we’re constantly worrying about something, it’s putting this energy out into consciousness, and it’s finding a vibrational match in terms of an idea to activate.

What Happens To Ideas When Activated?

Once an idea is activated in consciousness, there’s another step – or matching – that takes place.  As humans, we’re both the receivers of these ideas and instruments for them to materialize into reality.  So what happens is that upon being activated, ideas seek out willing recipients to help them solidify, or translate, into thoughts.  Once that happens, the sequence of the 5 Primary Drivers, as we teach it, can begin.  These thoughts solidify into emotions, which translate into the actions we take to bring that initial thought into physical reality.  But remember, the initial thought itself was activated by an idea that already existed within consciousness or the Force of Life.

So there’s also this co-creative or cooperative element also taking place.  Because when millions of people are all tuning into the same sort of vibrational energy, it amplifies an idea’s ability to gain momentum in this process of materializing.  In this example of money, when millions of people are all worrying that they’re not going to be able to afford housing and sending that energy out into the ether, it activates an idea in consciousness to materialize.  That idea seeks a willing recipient with a vision, in this case, the big 3 private equity firms in the United States, to buy up a bunch of the available residential real estate market.  In a sense, it’s looking for the path of least resistance – which I’ve also touched on before.

Consciousness doesn’t say “Hey, millions of people are all living in fear about money, so let’s just respond by giving all of them millions of dollars and free houses.”  Instead, it seeks out a willing participant who has access to money already and a vision for putting that money to good use – like a private equity firm.  Is this good or bad?  I don’t know.  

But consciousness is always seeking out the people, organizations, and entities with the willingness, the resources, and a vision for a greater good – even if we don’t always agree with it – to materialize the ideas that become activated both in our individual and collective lives.  The “side effect” (if you will) is that all of the people who feared that idea from materializing in the first place will experience it as a reality.

This has happened time and time again in history.  If you look back at the late 1800s and early 1900s when transatlantic travel was becoming more prevalent, you had a bunch of people who were all thinking “Hey, it would be nice if now that we can travel across the ocean, we had a better way to communicate back and forth than just sending letters and waiting weeks for ships to sail them back and forth.”  Boom, that activated the idea for the radio to be invented.  Again, we had willing recipients with the resources and vision to make it happen in the form of both Marconi in Italy and Edison in the United States to bring the first versions of the radio into existence.  Was it a coincidence that they both had the same “idea” – or thought – at more or less the same time?  Not if we understand that the idea already existed in consciousness and simply became activated within the right people at the right time.

Operating In Faith Makes ANYTHING Possible

So far we’ve talked about an example of fear bringing an idea into reality en masse in the form of what’s going on in the United States with the housing crisis.  And we’ve talked about an example of faith bringing an idea into reality through the invention of the radio.  We could talk about dozens of other examples of both that have occurred throughout history and are currently happening in our society.

But allow me to give you a personal example to drive this whole point home.  Carol and I have long felt inspired to create a movement of awakened individuals to help society move away from the old, broken systems in favor of a more loving, compassionate, and prosperous vision for the future.  But in the beginning, we had no idea how we were going to make that happen.  What we did have was an understanding of how this game works, that all ideas exist in consciousness, and we had faith that if we held onto this vision, more ideas would become activated and available to us.  And with that, we knew that all of the work of materializing this idea into reality wouldn’t fall on our shoulders alone.  Because we knew that through our faith, other people would show up to be part of the co-creative or cooperative dynamics to help bring this vision into reality.

These same principles apply to all of us and it’s important to remember that no man is an island – all great things take cooperation and collaboration.  Meaning one of the best things you can do when it comes to creating anything you want in your life – and I mean anything – is taking the pressure off yourself that you need to do it all alone.  As I’ve spoken about before, the strategy is an effect of the cause, which is the vision you have for what you want to create, and the knowing that consciousness is always looking for willing participants to act as vessels for receiving ideas and bringing them into fruition.

In other words, other people are going to have ideas to do things at the same time as you – much like Marconi and Edison.  It might be to start businesses that you’re going to end up partnering with to achieve what you want to achieve or to hire the right people so that you end up getting hired and increase your salary (and you increase your financial abundance) as a result.  It doesn’t necessarily have to be you who receives the idea, someone else can be the receiver, but it’s all connected to you if you’re simultaneously holding a vision in alignment with that idea. 

So if you have a vision for your life right now, the reason you have the vision is because ideas are starting to become active in consciousness and you’re receiving them.  And the reason why I want you to know this is so that you don’t just go “Oh, it’s just some vision I have, but I don’t know how I’m going to turn it into anything meaningful – it’s just not possible.” No, what’s happening is that you’re experiencing the activation of these ideas through consciousness that are making their way to not only you, but to other cooperative components, other people who you’re going to meet along the way who are going to support you in doing what you might think is impossible.  You’re not alone in this.

Applying This To Your Life To Create Meaningful Change

When that intuition or inspiration strikes, don’t dismiss it – don’t switch to another channel on the “consciousness radio”.   Stay tuned into it, continue to feed more energy and vibration into the field of consciousness, and more ideas will be activated both for you and within others who are going to help you bring your vision into reality.

This applies to EVERY area of your life and you can create incredible things and experience awesome changes – no matter your external circumstances or how far the “odds” may seem stacked against you.  For instance, if you can hold the vision for having perfect health, that may activate a different type of cellular interaction with your body, prompting it to start healing itself – simply because your beliefs, thoughts, and emotional experience are resonating with this more empowered, activated idea.  But it might also activate you running into someone at the grocery store or an event who you have a conversation with, who refers you to a particular practitioner that ends up being the solution to even the most chronic of health issues – again, all because you were open and tuned in to receiving the idea.

This conversation is meant to create possibility – and confidence – for you, because there isn’t anything that you can think of that doesn’t have a plan, a path, or solutions associated with it that doesn’t already exist.  Remember, ALL ideas exist in consciousness.  Every idea that’s ever been thought, that is being thought right now, or that ever will be thought already exists in this field of consciousness. And you have the ability to activate those thoughts through your vision, through your desire, through your faith, and through your loyalty to the idea that all things are possible. 

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