Episode 056 – The Ultimate Money Mindset Meditation


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

I want to share a powerful meditation practice that can help you create wealth and abundance in your life. This isn’t just about money; it’s about transforming how you think and feel about prosperity so that you can attract all forms of abundance. Let’s dive into how you can align yourself with the natural flow of prosperity that exists in the universe.

Letting Go of Resistance

The first step in attracting wealth is to stop engaging with resistant thoughts, limiting beliefs, and fears about money. As you read this, you’re already doing one of the most important things you can do to attract more wealth: letting go of those resistant thoughts. It’s simple. All you need to do is relax and read.

You might be surprised, but attracting money is actually easy. Just let go of the resistance you’ve held onto. As you relax, infinite forces within you and around you can function in their naturally intended ways to provide you with new thoughts and ideas. When you calmly pursue these ideas, they will lead to more money and abundance. Consciousness itself will begin to coordinate circumstances and synchronicities to create opportunities for you.

Aligning with the Natural System of Prosperity

There is a natural system of prosperity on this planet. Everything on Earth, including you, is given the gift of abundance as a natural functioning mechanism of life. Think about it—birds don’t hustle to survive; abundance is their birthright. And so it is yours.

Our world is awash with money, more resources than ever before, more forms of currency, more businesses, and more opportunities for wealth creation. These resources become available to you when you’re in a relaxed and powerful state. In this state, you will have ideas, and things will start to line up. You’ll meet new people and have experiences that, if left uninterrupted, will materialize into wealth for you.

The Birthright of Prosperity

Money is easy to make as long as you believe it is. The only reason you’ve misunderstood how easy it is to make money is that your parents didn’t understand what you’re coming to learn—that prosperity is your birthright. The key to unlocking it is to stop worrying about money. Money is a vibrational energy that you will naturally attract when you are not in opposition to it.

When you’re in a relaxed state, you’re training your nervous system for wealth and abundance. Your parents didn’t understand this, and neither did their parents. Many people live in a false sense of financial insecurity, not realizing that with simple relaxation, money and resources will begin to flow to them.

Trusting in Abundance

Some people understand these principles and live wealthy lives. We often make the mistake of thinking they’ve figured out something we haven’t—that they are smarter or luckier. But that’s not true. They’ve just realized that prosperity is their birthright and are doing the simple things necessary to allow it to flow to them.

We have a habit of comparing ourselves to wealthy people and coming to the erroneous conclusion that we don’t have enough, leading to fear of not having enough in the future. But the truth is, you have enough, and you’ve always had enough. Look at where you are right now. You have enough food, shelter, and everything you really need. Why fear not having enough in the future when your needs have always been met?

Relaxing Into Wealth

Remember, non-resistance is the key to allowing prosperity and abundance. If you want more—whether it’s more money in your bank account, your dream home, or the ability to travel anywhere you want—just know that your desires have been heard. Scripture tells us that before you’ve even asked, life has heard you, and before you can detect a response, your request has been fulfilled. That’s how easy money is.

Everything you’ve ever desired already exists in energetic form right here, right now. The key is to line up with it through the practice of non-resistance. Know that prosperity is your birthright, and you’ve always had enough.

Thinking Like a Wealthy Person

This is how a wealthy person thinks. This is how a wealthy person feels. If you’re willing to think and feel like a wealthy person for just a few minutes a day by listening to these truths, your outer circumstances will begin to reflect your inner change.

You can choose right now to let go of any stories or beliefs about money that don’t serve you. Your limiting beliefs are always in the process of leaving you as long as you don’t grab and hold onto them by thinking them again. So right here, right now, they’re going.

Small Shifts, Big Changes

Don’t put pressure on yourself to be perfect. Remember, you only need the faith of a mustard seed to create miracles in your life. Small shifts in your money mindset will produce big changes in your bank account and life. Be patient and watch as your thoughts, attitude, and outer circumstances begin to change.

There isn’t anywhere you can’t get from where you are right now. It doesn’t matter how long your current situation has been going on. Small breaks from your habit of thought and worry will quickly build new financial muscle fibers. Everything that has happened up until this point has been resistance training. You know how to handle the resistance, and now you are ready to grow.

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