Why You are ACTUALLY So Special


Hey, it’s David Bayer and today I want to talk to you about how special you are. You are so extraordinarily special, and you don’t even know it, and I want to explain to you why. This is not just blowing smoke up your special butt. This is really truly explaining to you why you, and no....   Read More

What is Spirituality, Really


Hey, it’s David Bayer. Thank you for being here. Just a quick five minutes to kickstart, or jumpstart, or end your day with a little bit of inspiration. We get so many amazing emails, and questions, and comments to DavidBayer.com and also to our Facebook page. I received one of those amazing....   Read More

How to Get Unstuck, Permanently


Hey, it’s David Bayer. Thank you for stopping in today for a little dose of inspiration, intelligence, and wisdom about how to get unstuck in our lives and how to create the life we love. How do we reclaim this power that we have access to, love our life, and live our purpose? That’s....   Read More

The Real Reason Being Present is Important


Hey, it’s David Bayer and today I want to speak to you about the present moment. You know, those of us who have been in this spiritual conversation or personal development conversation hear all the time from really incredible teachers, “You got to be present.” Right? Like, “Now is the onl....   Read More

Why Your Why is So Important


Hey, it’s David Bayer and thanks for being here to watch this video. I wanted to talk about your “why.” Why is your why important? I ask, “Why?” all the time. “Why is this this way? Why are you telling me this? How could it be true?”  I want to know why the why is important. So....   Read More

How to Win at Anything


Hey, it’s David Bayer and I want to thank you so much for being here today. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine recently who was really inspired to take his business to the next level. He wanted to double his business in the next twelve months, and one of the comments he made to me g....   Read More

Why Positivity Sucks?


Hey, it’s David Bayer. I want to thank you so much for being here today, and today’s topic is positivity. And I’m going to explain to you why I think positivity is B.S. So, you know, a lot of the people that I work with they get into spiritual concepts around Law of Attraction, or creating wha....   Read More


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