Episode 097 – 4 Beliefs That Are Keeping You From Your Full Potential


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

What’s creating resistance in your life? If you have desires—and I know you do—then the name of the game becomes identifying resistance and learning how to drop it. When you eliminate resistance, you can operate in a state of non-resistance where your natural internal and external mechanics can work together to produce the results you desire. Today, I want to walk you through the four resistances I’ve identified that might be holding you back and how to transform them.

Desire + Non-Resistance = Desired Results

It’s a simple equation: Desire plus non-resistance equals your desired results. This is the foundation. But to get there, you have to first become aware of the resistance in your life. Resistance can show up in so many forms, from limiting beliefs to unresolved resentments. It’s these hidden barriers that block the flow of your desires. Let’s break them down, one by one.

Resistance #1: Limiting Beliefs

The first type of resistance is what I call your run-of-the-mill limiting beliefs. These are thoughts like:

  • Money is hard to make.
  • I’ll always be alone.
  • I’ll never overcome this health challenge.
  • I need to hustle and grind to be successful.

These beliefs, as I’ve said before, are unintelligent thinking. They’re thoughts that are not aligned with the results you want in your life. What’s fascinating is how these limiting beliefs interact with the internal and external mechanisms of your life to produce the results you currently have. That’s how thoughts become things.

Now, think about this: Is there a belief you’ve been carrying around for years? Maybe it’s a belief about yourself, like, I’m not as far along as I should be, or maybe it’s a belief about time, like, There’s not enough time to get everything done. Becoming aware of these beliefs is the first step toward transforming them.

Resistance #2: Resentments

The second type of resistance is what I’d describe as the resentment that locks in certain limiting beliefs. Here’s how it works: Most of our beliefs are formed in relationships with other people. Someone taught you what to believe, or you had an experience with them that shaped those beliefs. Over time, you might develop a resentment toward that person. That resentment acts like a cord between you and them, holding the limiting belief in place.

Let’s say you feel not good enough because of something a parent, teacher, or authority figure said to you. Even if you’re aware of the belief and you’ve tried to work on it, you might not be able to fully let it go. Why? Because you’re still holding onto resentment toward the person connected to that belief. Until you forgive them, the belief stays entrenched.

Forgiveness is key here. In the Whole Human Framework, we teach a process called the “forgiveness framework.” It’s about inventorying your resentments, identifying the people you’re still holding onto, and cutting the cord that ties you to them. This is how you release those deeply rooted beliefs and free yourself from their grip.

Resistance #3: The Core Program

The third resistance is what I call the core program. This is a deeper, more ingrained form of resistance—almost like a super limiting belief. It’s the intersection of your parents’ core programs, your early experiences, and the stories you’ve told yourself about who you are.

Let me share a story. Around March 2022, I hit a breaking point. I had been in the world of personal growth for over a decade, teaching for seven years, and doing deep work on myself. But suddenly, everything felt like it was falling apart. My health was a mess, my business was pivoting, and my wife, Carol, was three months pregnant with our first child. All the certainty I had built over the years seemed to unravel. I was overwhelmed with worry.

I remember one night, the stress became so intense that I got into a cold shower and just started yelling. Carol and my mother-in-law came running in, worried something was terribly wrong. I told them, “I just need to get this energy out.” That moment was a wake-up call. I realized I was dealing with something deeper—my core program.

For me, my core program was worry. It’s this inherited blend of my dad’s critical thinking and my mom’s belief that bad things would happen. Everyone has a core program. It might manifest as control, guilt, shame, or another deep-seated pattern. But here’s the thing: Your core program isn’t just a barrier; it’s also a distorted version of your gift. When you learn to surrender it, you can reclaim its positive aspects.

Resistance #4: The Belief That You’re Not Good Enough

The fourth resistance is the most universal: the belief that we aren’t good enough. This belief is hardwired into us. It’s tied to our survival instincts. In tribal times, being left out meant death. So, we’ve evolved with this fear of being excluded, and it drives us to seek approval and compare ourselves to others.

This internal dialogue—the critic that tells us we’re not doing enough or that we’re falling behind—is exhausting. Transforming this resistance requires daily practices of self-love and self-affirmation. But to truly integrate these practices, you first have to clear the other layers of resistance. Once you do, you can build a foundation of self-worth that comes from within, not from external validation.

Living Without Resistance

When you remove resistance, life starts to collaborate with you. You experience synchronicities, coincidences, and even miracles. Your desires materialize with less effort because you’ve cleared the path for them to flow.

So, where do you start? Begin by asking yourself: What resistance is showing up in my life? Is it a limiting belief, a resentment, or perhaps your core program? Or is it the belief that you’re not good enough? Identifying the source is the first step.

The Journey to Freedom

These four resistances—limiting beliefs, resentments, the core program, and self-doubt—are the barriers between you and the life you want. But they’re not permanent. With awareness, forgiveness, and intentional practices, you can transform them.

Remember, the name of the game isn’t figuring out how to achieve your goals. It’s about letting go of what’s holding you back. Desire plus non-resistance equals desired results. It’s that simple.

Let’s embark on this journey together. When you drop the resistance, you’ll discover the extraordinary power within you to create the life you’ve always imagined.

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