Episode 050 – This One Mindset Will Keep You Free Forever


Note: This blog post serves as an accompaniment to the corresponding podcast episode of A Changed Mind, where we’ll distill down the core ideas of this week’s theme, along with additional distinctions and insights. If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, you can go here to do so.  Enjoy.

As we celebrate Independence Day, I want to share some thoughts on the concept of freedom—true freedom. Today, we’re going to take a deep dive into what it means to be truly free and how we can achieve this in our lives. This isn’t about pointing fingers at external entities or blaming others for our perceived lack of freedom. Instead, we’re going to look inward and understand that radical responsibility is the key to true freedom.

The Illusion of Lost Freedoms

Have you been feeling like your freedoms are being taken away? Perhaps you’ve been blaming politicians, corporations, or global organizations for your situation. Whether it’s the two-party political system, corporate media, or powerful private equity firms, it seems like there’s always someone or something to point the finger at. But what if I told you that the real change begins with you?

We often hear about the loss of freedoms through censorship, taxation, and corporate control. It feels like we’re under siege from all directions. Yet, focusing on these external threats only amplifies our fear and sense of helplessness. Today, let’s shift our focus from external blame to internal responsibility.

The Power of Radical Responsibility

On this day that symbolizes freedom, let’s talk about what it truly means to be free. True freedom comes from within. It’s about taking radical responsibility for our own lives and our own reactions. When we blame external forces for our problems, we give away our power. By taking responsibility for our thoughts, beliefs, and actions, we reclaim that power and create our own reality.

For example, I recently had an enlightening conversation over dinner with my wife and mother-in-law. My mother-in-law was worried about her future if something happened to my wife and I remarried. Her fear of homelessness, a common and deeply rooted fear, highlighted how our thoughts and anxieties can create our reality. We must recognize these fears, understand their origins, and work through them to achieve true freedom.

Manifesting Our Collective Reality

Everything we see in the world today, from economic crises to political turmoil, is a manifestation of our collective consciousness. Our unprocessed fears and traumas are projected outward, creating the very systems and structures we feel oppressed by. This isn’t just a philosophical idea—it’s a reality we create through our beliefs and focus.

Take the example of private equity firms buying up residential housing. Many people fear losing their homes and becoming homeless. This fear is so prevalent that it manifests as a reality when these firms act on it. By focusing on our fears, we inadvertently bring them to life. To change this, we must shift our focus to what we want to create—abundance, security, and freedom.

Detoxifying from Fear

The only way to achieve true freedom is to detoxify ourselves from fear. Fear is like a virus, spreading and infecting our thoughts and actions. As Eleanor Roosevelt famously said, “The only thing to fear is fear itself.” We must process and transform our fears to prevent them from dictating our reality.

This process requires us to look within and address the deep-seated fears and traumas that have been passed down through generations. We need to understand that what we perceive as external threats are merely reflections of our internal state. By healing ourselves, we contribute to healing the collective consciousness and creating a better world.

Embracing Faith and Positive Focus

Instead of focusing on fear and what’s wrong in the world, let’s shift our attention to faith and positive outcomes. We have the power to choose what we think about and where we direct our energy. By focusing on prosperity, abundance, and freedom, we can create these realities in our lives.

Imagine a world where we all focus on the positive, where we trust in the goodness of the future and work towards it with unwavering faith. This isn’t about ignoring problems or putting our heads in the sand; it’s about consciously choosing to direct our thoughts and actions towards what we want to create.

Creating the Promised Land

As we celebrate Independence Day, let’s recognize that true freedom is within our grasp. It’s about taking radical responsibility for our lives, detoxifying ourselves from fear, and focusing on positive outcomes. By doing this, we can create the world we want to live in—a world of abundance, security, and true freedom.

We have the power to change our reality. By embracing faith, taking responsibility, and focusing on positive outcomes, we can create a future that aligns with our highest values and aspirations. Let’s walk towards the promised land, not by deconstructing the old ways, but by creating and moving into the new ways.

Remember, you are free. Whether you keep that freedom depends on where you direct your attention and what you choose to believe. Embrace the certainty of the goodness of the future, and together, we will create an extraordinary world.

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