Episode 006 – How to Overcome Your Money Limiting Beliefs & Attract More Abundance


Let’s talk about money. But before we do, I’d ask you to consider what thoughts and emotions come up just from hearing the word money. I’d wager that for most people, the idea of money brings up a lot of stress and anxiety. But as we covered in the last blog post about anxiety, those feelings we have and those beliefs we hold aren’t actually true or real – and the way we change our relationship with them isn’t by doing more or planning or figuring it out, it’s about identifying and letting go of the resistance we have to the things we want. 

And if I had to guess, you probably want more money. You want more financial security, wealth, prosperity, and zeros flowing into your bank account. So let’s talk about what’s required internally and how to transform the resistance you have to make it a reality.

How One Decision Made Me $60,000 & Transformed My Relationship With Money

Years ago, I was running an investor-backed SEO technology and software company that I’d raised $4 million to launch. There was a ton of upside potential, but I had to play my cards right and manage the funding I’d received effectively in order to achieve the growth we wanted. For that reason, I was paying myself a reasonable salary, but I realized I had this limiting belief that the only way for me to make money was from my business and my salary.

So I took this awareness a step further and challenged myself to generate additional income from a source that wasn’t my business. The number I came up with was $60,000. I didn’t know how I was going to make it happen, but I set the intention, carried on about my business (literally), and gave the Universe the wheel.

Not long after making this decision, I was invited to have lunch with a friend of mine, who was a fellow in recovery, and a colleague of his who he thought could be a potential partner for my business. The lunch mostly consisted of my friend and I sharing stories of “the good ole days” of being degenerates and talking about our experiences with getting sober. There wasn’t a ton of business discussed and we all left without solidifying anything about the potential partnership we were there to discuss.

About 45 days passed and, out of nowhere, I got an email from the guy telling me how much that lunch had impacted him. He told me that he’d been drinking and partying a lot, and that hearing my friend and I talk about our abstinence had inspired him to quit drinking for 30 days, lose a ton of weight, become more productive at work, and generally feel happier about his life. So he invited me to another lunch in order to reconnect and to say “thanks” for the inspiration I’d unknowingly imparted to him.

Here’s where things get interesting…

I drove 3 hours from Orlando to meet this guy at his office in Tampa and, as I’m waiting for him, I did some eavesdropping on the conversation he was having with two young guys pitching him on a Facebook advertising business opportunity. At lunch, he asks me what I think about the conversation I overheard and the business idea he was being pitched on. We talk a little about it, reminisce a little about the last time we met and the progress he’s made in his personal life, and we go about our ways yet again.

That night, I get a call from this guy telling me he’s negotiated a deal with those two guys from earlier to buy half of their company. Because I demonstrated an understanding of their business model, he asked me if I’d be willing to go into the deal with him and invest $23,000 to essentially get one-quarter of the business. The only real caveat to the deal was that I’d have to commute from Orlando to Tampa every week to provide some management support to these young entrepreneurs.

Remember, it was my goal to make $60,000 by the end of the year. But here I am faced with the decision of essentially draining my bank account of everything I had saved up to buy a part of a startup business. It was a BIG stretch. But I decided to take the leap and make the investment. 

Let’s make this long story a little bit shorter, shall we?  I spent the entire summer driving once a week to Tampa. These guys I was invested in/managing were a total pain in the you-know-what. By their own admittance, they were out popping bottles of expensive champagne and blowing cocaine regularly, paid for by the profits they were generating for the very company my new friend and I had invested our money into. The good news was that they were making profits. 

By October of that year, they had become aware enough that there was tension in our arrangement and offered to buy me out of my interest in their company. I wasn’t happy with their initial offer, so business continued as usual. But by the first week of December, we came to an agreement – they’d give me $83,000 to buy back my quarter of the company.

If you’re still following along, here’s where we are: 

  1. I made a decision to generate $60,000 in extra income from a source outside of my business before the year was over. 
  2. I invested $23,000 to buy a piece of a business and spent several grueling months managing the founders. 
  3. A few weeks before the year ended, I had a check in my hands for $83,000. My $23k initial investment plus a $60,000 buyout.

So how does this all work? How did I generate $60,000 from a single decision? How do thoughts become things?  

Money – What It Really Is And What Makes It Flow

Let’s start by taking a step back and considering what money really is. The money we know is referred to as currency, like an electric current, an energetic or vibrational current, a waveform of energy. Like the current of an ocean and like everything in the world that’s made up of energy, money ebbs and flows. Chances are that you’re here reading this now because you want more of this currency (aka money) to flow to and through you and your life.

Now, like all forms of energy, money is always looking for ways and areas to grow, expand, and evolve – just as it’s looking for new mechanisms, or conduits, for it to translate into new forms of growth and expansion. But when it’s met with resistance, it navigates back in the opposite direction. Like a kink in a garden hose, if money is blocked and can’t flow in the direction it wants to go – and in the direction the vessel is willing to take it in order for it to disperse – it builds up and retreats backward.

Getting Clear On The Vision You Have For Money

Now when it comes to money, it’s only willing to flow when there’s a clear vision and path for it to go. It wants to go where it’ll be put to the best use – so that it can keep flowing. Just like health doesn’t come to you so you can not be sick. Or healthy relationships happen in your life so you don‘t have to deal with toxic relationships. Money only flows to you so you can expand, experience more joy, express more creativity, and allow money itself to expand. Tracking so far?

As Napoleon Hill said in his seminal book, Think And Grow Rich:

“TRULY, “thoughts are things,” and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a BURNING DESIRE for their translation into riches, or other material objects.”

But therein lies the problem most people face when it comes to attracting, earning, and keeping more money in their lives. The “desire” most people have around money comes from a place of lack or scarcity, NOT from a place of abundance and prosperity. It might seem like an oversimplification, but it’s true. 

If you were to take two people in the exact same life situation and circumstances and one of them wanted more money so they wouldn’t be “broke” anymore, and the other wanted more money so they could put a down payment on an investment property, which would not only allow them to reinvest the profits into other investments, but would also create an opportunity for a family of renters to have a place to live, give the investor the opportunity to employ a team of property managers, and so on and so forth – who do you think is most likely to become a conduit for currency to flow into their life?

So right now, I encourage you to think about your relationship with money and your desire for it. Is your desire for money driven by growth, expansion, joy, and evolution?  If not, then what’s happened is that you’ve closed the door on prosperity and abundance that is naturally flowing to you. That’s really important to understand. Because the natural state for money is prosperity and abundance – not lack or insecurity.

The good news here is that you don’t have to actually “do” anything in order to attract money or allow currency to flow to you. You don’t have to become a better person, you don’t even necessarily have to have more skills, and you don’t have to figure anything out. If you want to have more prosperity and abundance, the number one thing you must do is to have a clear vision of why you want more money and an understanding that it flows to and through you as a result of your desire (and intention) for it.

Removing Your Resistance To Money 

If step one to attracting more money is having a clear vision that excites you, step two is identifying and removing the resistance that’s “blocking” the energy of currency to flow to you. This is where we start to talk about your beliefs about money, your money mindset, or money consciousness – because your consciousness is really the sum total or accumulation of what it is you believe, what it is you think, what it is you feel.

An easy way for you to evaluate where your baseline is in terms of your money consciousness or your money belief systems is just to complete this simple sentence:

When I was growing up, money was ________.

Remember that we started by saying that the feelings we have and the beliefs we formed at an early age aren’t actually true or real, but like or not they have played a role in shaping your entire life. So consider what you believed about money when you were young. Maybe when you were growing up, money was scarce. Perhaps you were led to believe that money is evil. Or that making money was something that required a lot of sacrifice, hard work, or luck.

Now, let’s look at the evidence through the lens of common sense and the understanding that your brain is a goal-achieving machine. If, for example, you’ve believed from an early age that money is hard to make, it’s because that’s what you observed to be true for your parents – even if it wasn’t actually true. It wasn’t that money was actually hard to make, it’s just that your parents didn’t understand how money worked, so they (and you, by extension) experienced a lack of it.

Now, in adulthood, the human operating system that is your brain is being driven by what you believe which, in this case, is that money is hard to make. So you’re more likely to have thoughts on a moment-by-moment basis that support this (false) belief. You’re significantly less likely to come up with ideas and make decisions like the one I made years ago to generate $60,000 in additional income outside of my business.

You then experience these thoughts of money being hard to make as emotions, resulting in stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and worry about money. And, because your emotions dictate the actions you take, you’re not going to be motivated or be driven by the vision to go out and discover opportunities to create more money, wealth, and abundance for yourself. You’ll keep operating in a primal state that perpetuates your financial insecurity. You won’t be open or available to thinking about how you can make more money, how to ask your employer for a raise, or look for opportunities to earn additional income – either actively or passively.

So how do you identify the interference and eliminate the resistance you have for more money to flow to you?

It starts by making some new decisions. Think about all the beliefs you currently have about money, whether or not they’re true (hint: they aren’t), and consciously decide to change those beliefs:

  • Money is NOT hard to make.
  • Money flows to me effortlessly.
  • Wealth is my birthright.
  • I’m more than capable of reaching my income goals.

In our work, we use the Decision Matrix tool – which I’ve talked about in previous blog posts and episodes of our podcast – to start rewiring the neural networks of your brain and finding evidence to reinforce your new, more empowering beliefs. The old neural networks that represent your limiting beliefs start to prune out and the new limiting beliefs start to form even deeper myelin connections in your brain. So you start to perceive life differently and you begin to have more inspired thoughts about making more money. You become a person with a transformed money consciousness.

You become a wealthy person first inside – then outside.

The “Sticking Point” That Keeps Most People Stuck In Financial Insecurity 

There is a hidden limiting belief that almost all of us have (or had, at some point) that blocks us from allowing currency to flow through us in the form of ideas and actions and coincidences and synchronicities in order to actually experience a more prosperous, abundant, and wealthier life. It looks something like this:

I didn’t have enough…I don’t have enough…I won’t have enough in the future.

It’s one of those innate, internal fears that we won’t have enough to be okay or to survive. See, it’s so common to experience times of financial stress and think “I’m barely making it right now” or to reflect back on the times in your life when money was really tight and you didn’t have “enough” to get ahead. So it’s this fear that motivates most of us to create more financial prosperity in order to prevent reverting back to those experiences we had where there wasn’t “enough”.

Here’s the problem: the Universe has zero awareness of your beliefs around having or not having “enough” – because it always provides you with enough. Read that again.

Just look at the history of your life – haven’t you always had enough?  You’re here reading this right now, most likely on an expensive cell phone or laptop, so clearly the Universe took care of you and made sure you had “enough” to get to this moment in time.

Sure, there may have been times when you were struggling, the bank account was low, and you could barely pay your bills. Maybe you’ve even been in poverty or had to live out on the streets at some point. And while that might have been an incredible hardship, you survived. You had enough. It might not have felt like it at the time, but you had enough to get by. The truth is, you’ve always had enough.

This is the third step in the trifecta of living a more prosperous life: realizing that you’ve had enough, you have enough right now, and you’ll always have enough. How do you know it’s true?  Just read that line back, say it out loud, and see if it feels good. If it does (which I know it will), you have evidence to suggest that it’s true and real. Once you can ground yourself in this new core belief, just watch how the spirit of currency begins to flow through you. 

Let’s recap these steps:

#1) Your desire for money must be aligned with the vision you have for your life and come from a place of abundance, joy, and growth – not scarcity, fear, or insecurity.

#2) You must let go of the false limiting beliefs and resistances you have around money in order to become a conduit for currency to flow to you and through you.

#3) You must acknowledge that you have enough right now and you will always have enough – regardless of your circumstances.

This is the structure. This is the practice. This is the consciousness to be in. This is what began to allow me to open up more abundance in my life. It’s what allowed me to make $60,000 from a source outside of my business – without any real idea of how to make it happen – simply by making a decision. It’s what has allowed Carol and I to build a $25 million business, reach #171 on the Inc. 500 list, and create a truly incredible life for ourselves.

And when you start to align yourself with these 3 things, life will start to present opportunities for you to create new levels of financial abundance in your life – I guarantee it.

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  • Alina says:

    wow!! 5 days with David Bayer himself ? you bet i am registering for A Changed Mind challenge! i am disbelief that it will be Free & out of comfort of my home. David’s stuff is always “on the money”, meaning super practical and transformative. the best thing i ever invested was in David’s in person event i did in February this year, and i have done events in my life. THIS one brought real hope for change in my life. and life has been changing. Excited for upcoming five day challenge. I dont know HOW my life will change as result of it , but i KNOW it will be powerful. So grateful for support and quality ACTUALLY life changing David & Carol Bayer delivered to my mind and my life. I dont feel alone in trying to make BIG changes in any part of my life (and i want more changes!!) From bottom of my heart (and soul!), thank u for upcoming FREE 5-day event, David and Carol. Many blessings!! Alina

  • Chuck Collins says:

    Very Enlightening!!! Awareness is pro-actively based.